
New rules after the president's entourage wrecked her garden in 2011


The poll shows close races in Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio.


How, in the space of a few years, has “paid trolling” gone from a questionable advertising practice to a political technique being openly used by the U ...


Brandon Straka - "I am kicking off the #WalkAway campaign by releasing my video about why I am walking away from liberalism and the Democratic Party." "It is...


Trump should not just veto the Iran resolution. He should veto it with 55 pens, and send one to each of the Senators who voted for it.


Not good! This proud member of Antifa was grounded for a full two weeks after he stayed out too late at a rally this weekend. Aw, man! Totally not fair, dude! The 22-year-old Antifa activist had carefully stuffed his bed to make it appear that he was sleeping, and even played an audio file of …


Last Call America: Last Call Before Darkness Falls Debra Tash Long Canyon Press, 2018 ♦♦♦ 3 Stars


Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger encouraged abortion and sterilization to limit the size of black families.


The former U.S. Secretary of State sent a memo to the presidential hopeful, sharing how he communicated via a personal account while in office


The New York Times and Washington Post editorial boards unleashed a broadside Monday against Donald Trump ahead of the first presidential debate, scrambling to make their case for why the Republican nominee should not be president as he gains on Hillary Clinton in the polls.


The Florida senator, up for re-election, says he won't discuss leaked emails from political opponents, citing an effort by a foreign government to sway the U.S. election.


James Comey's decision to revive the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server came after he could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents in the FBI, sources say.


If Republican candidate Donald Trump wins Florida, as some polls predict, and goes on to win the Nov. 8 election — a big if, but not an impossible outcome — he might have President Obama to thank for lending him...


The Daily News is a four-time loser, recently released circulation stats show. The embattled newspaper reported sharply lower sales on weekdays and Sundays and on newsstand sales and home deliverie…


Don’t commit the ultimate Halloween faux pas of cultural appropriation.


"When you found out that the FBI had located even more classified materials in Wilmington, which four-letter word did you use?"


“When they go low...” well, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman goes even lower. On Friday the once-respected economist, who ia no stranger to classless rants, filed a blog post with the offensive title “The Sorrow and the Pity,” a ham-handed swipe of the incoming Trump administration as akin to the Nazi occupation of France. (The Sorrow and the Pity is a 1969 documentary about how the Vichy government of France infamously collaborated with Germany during the World War II occupation.)


Donald J. Trump on Wednesday morning repeated a statement he made the night before in the Republican presidential debate: that wages are “too high” in the United States, an argument he made to explain his opposition to raising the minimum wage. The remark is at odds with the otherwise populist message Mr. Trump has often espoused in his presidential campaign, including railing against potential...


The Democrats and mainstream media are still pushing two theories on why Hillary Clinton got shellacked in last month’s election. ...


President Obama has now fully embraced the Left's latest excuse for Hillary Clinton blowing the 2016 presidential election in historic fashion: The Russians did it. The obvious goal of Obama, whose legacy is on the verge of being erased with a few scribbles of ink and a couple of phone calls, is to try to delegitimize Trump's presidency before it even begins. It's a cynical and dangerous game he and his fellow Democrats are playing, but that has not stopped them before.


A Fox News poll released Thursday revealed ?


“We will not sit idly by as students suffer in silence”


Parthenogenetic activation of human oocytes obtained from infertility treatments has gained new interest in recent years as an alternative approach to create embryos with no reproductive purpose for research in areas such as assisted reproduction technologies ...