Last week, Dr. Ben Carson, a possible 2016 Republican presidential candidate, stepped onto unstable political ground. Asked whether he believes that “being gay is a choice,” Carson stated that he “absolutely” did
Experience and theory shows that putting women in combat units is a bad idea, and dangerous.
Some wonder why conservatives get the impression that many leftists are not patriotic.
Women can't help but love masculine men, not RompHim-wearing metrosexual 
2016 set to close with more than 20,800 homicides, the highest number since embattled president took office
Though a senior, he brings to life the roots of the word ‘sophomore.’
"It's time to move on and take a vote."
If a Republican did this Kohn might be a little more inquisitive.
MOBILE, AL—Pathetic, fake, wannabe conservative man Bill Shaw hasn't even been banned from Twitter yet, sources close to the right-leaning man confirmed Monday.Fellow conservatives quickly called Shaw's loyalty to the cause into question after discovering he hasn't so much as received a warning from Twitter for his tweets so far."I just …

Queen's Christmas message 2016

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Queen Elizabeth II delivers her annual Christmas message from Buckingham Palace. The theme of this year's message is inspiration. For more info, please go to...
Bill O'Reilly argued tonight that the media coverage of Jon Stewart's Daily Show departure should be all the proof you need that the press has a clear liberal bias.
“I don’t care what people think about evolution,”
Keely Mullen is what is wrong with America. This is an example of a child that should have had her ass whipped. Who is going to be left to care for these wor...
Are women good, and men bad? How many times have you heard that women are wiser, kinder, more efficient, and just all around superior human beings? A never e...
Scientists have repeatedly said there is no link between autism and vaccinations.
"There was money moving that included taxpayer U.S. dollars," John McLaughlin said.

What's the Right Minimum Wage?

Submitted 10 years ago by ActRight Community

What's the perfect minimum wage: is it $10 an hour? $15? $20? How about zero? That's right. Zero. While Congress discusses a minimum wage hike, economist Dav...
Rep. Trey Gowdy appeared on Fox News Sunday earlier to address why he believes that Hillary Clinton has not provided all the relevant emails she should have to the Congressional Investigation Commi...
Watch former Mayor Rudy Giuliani destroy Obama the anti-American in an epic speech... "What is wrong with him?... Mr. President, wake up!... Come back to Earth!" From the video: At times screaming with rage, Rudy Giuliani excoriates Barack Obama for…

Why Jeb Bush Falls Short

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

He presided over a prosperous Florida, but has proven unequal to the demands of a presidential race.
Again and again, Kennedy made rulings that aggrandized the power of the Court and of himself as its swing justice.
Whoopi Goldberg defended Hillary Clinton regarding reports that she paid female staffers less than male staffers during her Senate tenure.
After the fines, “There won’t be anything left.”
Career diplomats are finding that they can't advance to top State Department posts such as ambassadorships because President Obama has stuffed political appointees into those jobs, the most ever in his second term. Yes, it's a problem, said Robert Silverman, president of the American Foreign Service Association. This is an ongoing struggle. We need to maintain the ability for our top people to go straight to the top, he said. The issue is a big one: While the State Department has a good record for hiring a diverse workforce of diplomats and experts who often take hardship posts to move up the ladder, the Obama White House is keeping way too many of the best jobs for its political allies. RELATED: Soros, Ford Foundation shovel $196 million to 'net neutrality' groups, staff to White House