The great arming is underway, and that’s a very good thing for our nation, for our culture, and for the relationship between citizen and state. On Thursday, John Lott and the Crime Prevention Research Center published a comprehensive survey of the growth in concealed-carry permits in the United States. The numbers are stunning — not just in their growth, but in their depth and consequence. Here’s a sampling. During Barack Obama’s presidency, the number of concealed-carry permit holders increased by a whopping 256 percent. The numbers have increased across multiple demographics, with a higher percentage growth for women than men and for black citizens than white ...
Testifying in support for a bill (Bill 359) seeking to protect babies born alive from botched abortions in North Carolina, Republican state representative Pat McElraft recalled horrifying experiences that she witnessed at the hands of a late-term abortionist when she previously worked in the medi
Former Vice President Joe Biden rolled out his plan to safely reopen schools amid the coronavirus pandemic on Friday as the debate over the issue rages across the country. 
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler called for people to 'stand up' to rioters when he announced Friday that the state of emergency would be extended through Monday. 

Sea levels are falling

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

That's right, according NASA, sea levels are going DOWN! This is big news. How come
Roughly 35% of voters support enfranchising current prisoners in some capacity, but most of these people are not willing to go as far as Sanders.
This monitoring of NICS isn’t for prohibited people. It is for monitoring people that are not prohibited from buying a firearm, but the ATF suspects MIGHT be committing a crime in the future.
Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) likely violated federal law by not accurately describing payments made ...
It’s not just the TV networks that are ignoring or downplaying the Imran Awan-Debbie Wasserman Schultz scandal. The nation’s newspapers are barely getting their feet wet. A quick Nexis search shows The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times have yet to report it, while The Washington Post and USA Today just reported smaller stories in Thursday’s papers. ABC, NBC, MSNBC, NPR, and the PBS NewsHour were missing as of Thursday.
A divided Wisconsin Supreme Court has restored 82 appointees of then-Gov. Scott Walker who were confirmed during a lame-duck legislative session, handing a victory to Republicans and defeat to Democratic Gov. Tony Evers.
This is how it's done. The Vail School Board fled the meeting before it began because hundreds of parents wanted to be heard to end the mask requirement. So, the parents voted in a completely new school board that voted to end mask requirements. This needs to happen at every school district.
WASHINGTON, DC—President* Biden admitted today that his presidency has been one long April Fool’s Day...
Rep. Maxine Waters is getting really weird.
Alabama Rep. John Rogers said about abortion, "Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later."
The Trump administration ordered China’s consulate in Houston closed on Wednesday in part because Beijing may be helping to stoke racial unrest in the U.S.
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
The Walt Disney Corporation has said it is pushing a pro-gay agenda onto kids.
In a move that’s a slap across the face of every patriotic American, the Southern Methodist University in Texas relocated its annual 9/11 memorial flag display from in front of the campus’ iconic D…
Half of the world's countries now have too few babies being born to maintain their populations.
Civil rights activist Bob Woodson, founder of the Woodson Center, ripped Democratic mayors such as Chicago's Lori Lightfoot for blaming Republicans and the status of gun control legislation, among other things, for continued violent unrest in their jurisdictions.
In a Grade-A example of high-level corruption, the now Biden-run Department of Justice has turned its legal guns on …...
American consumers are starting to cut costs on mainstays from toothpaste to baby formula as inflation hits a swath of the economy that had thus far proven resistant to substantial price increases.
Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar take "fame whoring" to a new level. Not only are they un-American, their instincts to hate Israel comes on full display.