
'This is not acceptable, and in Florida we're not going to have it.'


One of the most deceitful myths in Washington is that the two parties agree on almost nothing. The opposite is true.


ATLANTA, GA—After years of publishing distorted headlines, slanted news articles, and heavily biased news coverage, media giant CNN announced Friday that it has decided to launch a spinoff site that focuses on real news comprised of objective facts.Dubbed “CNN: Real,” the site is designed to bring the news media empire into the arena of publi …


U.S.—A new study has found that far more Americans would trust Dr Pepper than Dr. Fauci.While Dr. Fauci has made some questionable claims over the past few months, Dr Pepper hasn't made any erroneous predictions about the virus or recommendations when it comes to masks and other protective measures. So the soft drink has rocketed up the charts as the …


A number of doctors, parents have sued the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and its secretary, Xavier Becerra, in a federal court, seeking to prevent the expansion of the emergency use authorization (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines from including children under 16 years old.


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared at a White House Correspondents' garden party on Saturday even after he dropped out of the dinner.


Kshama Sawant, a socialist and a member of the Seattle, Wash. City Council, is paying no fewer than five campaign staff employees as independent contractors — thus evading the payment of payroll tax


This week, twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton released her new book, “What Happened,” which chiefly serves to assign blame to the myriad politicians, journalists, organizations, countries, prejudices, and technologies she claims caused her defeat. Gun rights supporters will be happy to know that NRA is featured prominently.


Each day, the crisis on our southern border continues to grow. Apprehensions have swelled to 675,000 this year alone, more than double the number from the same period last year. Our nations...


Why him? That’s what Tara Reade is demanding to know after learning Bill Clinton snagged a prime speaker’s slot at this week’s Democratic National Convention, calling the move …


David Chipman, a gun control advocate who is Democrat President Joe Biden's nominee to be director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and


Liberal alarm in the U.S. over the future of Roe v. Wade may have never been higher, thanks to the leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion this week, but the outcry comes as the nation’s abortion rate since the 1973 case was decided has never been lower.


According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund 682 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in the past five years in the United States. That averages out to over 136 dead law enforcement officers each…


An East Texas hot dog joint is giving patrons a discount on the same day disgraced ex-congressman Anthony Weiner was sentenced to prison.


American Thinker: The series of town halls that Fox News is conducting for Democrat presidential candidates who take advantage of its generous offer of air time have been fairly interesting. Faced with moderators who do nor hug them the way Rachel Maddow did in a 2016 presidential debate, the strong ones have an opportunity to demonstrate...


Making someone as extreme as Kamala Harris a president-in-waiting is a bone-chilling prospect. No conservative or moderate should support it.


Members of the press were criticized online after asking President Joe Biden questions about his ice cream cone.


The study, which is based both on desk research and multiple waves of qualitative primary research,


No one knows what exactly happened to the deceased Freddie Gray, except that it should not have happened. Between what is outlined in the indictments and what will be proven in court is an unknown abyss. But the more dramatic the short-term exuberance over the sweeping indictments, the more likely the long-term fury when the charges are likely to be substantially reduced or unproven in court.


Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) held a hearing on Tuesday September 26, 2017, on the senate investigation of James Comey and the crimes of Hillary Clinton. Grassley told the audience that the FBI refused to turn over any information on James Comey – Hillary Clinton email investigation. Grassley also revealed they put gag orders on all …


By Robert Romano Democrats criticizing President Donald Trump for suggesting he would listen if foreign sources had information on his opponents (he also suggested he might call the FBI) really don’t care a whit about foreign influence in our political process. In 2016, not only did the Hillary [...]


With video. A DNC speaker admits the goal is to destroy capitalism using the Green New Deal.


James Woods finishes Psaki off with one picture...


These employees did nothing wrong, only attended a rally for a political candidate (and then-President of The United States) that the Party doesn't like.