
WASHINGTON, DC--Not fully understanding how it works, US President* Joe Biden promised to give the entire Federal Bureau of Investigation to China in exchange for a high-level Chinese defector, Dong Jingwei, who has been working with the Defense Intelligence Administration, according to sources.


Syndicated Analytics latest report titled Aluminium Foil Project Report Industry Trends Manufacturing Process Plant Setup Machinery Raw Materials Investment Opportunities Cost and Revenue 2022 2027 covers all the aspects including industry performance key success and risk factors manufacturing requirements project ...


A new and loathsome variant on Holocaust revisionism.


Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution on Tuesday supporting the right to boycott Israel, likens the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.


Trump on Wednesday signed a five-page memo ordering all federal agencies to send reports in 14 days to the White House Office of Management and Budget that detail funds that can be redirected.


President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden announced the death of their German shepherd Saturday.The Biden's said in a statement that Champ “passed away peacefully at home.”He was our


Former Rochester police chief La’ron Singletary, R-NY, argues AOC should 'be careful' how she uses her platform after she blamed the Texas school shooting on a "patriarchal society."


In this segment of his Virtual State of the Union, the Virtual President talks about why politicians want to talk about gun control rather than crime control...


NBC's Todd: McConnell's Reaction to Roy Moore Report Felt 'Orchestrated' --- He Decided It Is 'Worse' If Moore Wins


Trump may be thin-skinned, but he's hardly racist


Professors docked a student who marked 'the Constitution [was] designed to perpetuate white supremacy and protect the institution of slavery' as false.


POLL: 80% of Americans Support Photo ID For Voters, 71% Support ‘Easier’ Early Voting


A 10-year-old Florida boy was arrested and charged with sending a text message that threatened a mass shooting, according to police in Cape Coral.


A group of anti-Confederate protesters aren’t happy enough with the declaration by the city of Memphis that it wants to dig up and move the remains of Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest.


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Queens/Bronx) called for a “9/11-style commission” to look into the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant families at the US border. Speaking Saturday…


Biden Suggests Followers of QAnon Need Mental Health Care


An Ohio pizza delivery driver fatally shot a suspect who was reportedly attempting to rob a local Papa John's restaurant, according to various reports. What are the details? According to WDTN-TV, two suspects wearing masks entered a New Carlisle, Ohio, pizza restaurant just before closing time on Su...


An Illinois high school is planning to implement a race-based grading system to “equalize test scores among racial groups.” Oak Park and River Forest High School administrators are calling the plan “Transformative Education Professional Development & Grading.” In order to boost the grades of black students — instead of providing additional instruction or assistance — […]


It's been happening for a long time now. The Left likes to just make up stories about conservatives, or even just make up conservatives, to smear people they hate. It ...


I arrived at the Barnes Noble just as “An Evening With Bernie Sanders” was drawing to a close, and while browsing, I couldn’t help but notice: The twentysomethings filing out of the event with the …


Democrats are at the point where continuing to press the Mueller probe hurts them more than it hurts the president.


On top of his serial young-girl-touching problems, Creepy Joe Biden also has a draft evasion problem, according to an InsideSources report.


Thomas Catenacci Microsoft was given an advance copy of major antitrust legislation, a document given to Republican Rep. Thomas Massie by a whistleblower


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the House will consider legislation to crack down on military-style "assault weapons" amid a wave of gun violence across the United States.


President Donald Trump claims LaVar Ball had been "very ungrateful" after Trump's intervention saved his son from a prison sentence in China.