An Orthodox Jewish man was attacked by an anti-Semitic assailant in Brooklyn on Sunday night, and he may have had his life saved by two "good Samaritan" nurses who came to his aid, WCBS-TV reported. What happened? A Jewish man, who chose to keep his identity private, was walking home from his synagogue Saturday. He passed by a stranger who he said hello to, and then the exchange suddenly turned violent. The man said the stranger got angry after his greeting: "I turned around and I see that he's right behind me and he jumped me," the victim said to WCBS. "I greeted him hello. Next thing I know he said, 'I don't like Jews. Who were you talking to?' He put me in a headlock and I'm trying to maneuver out of him. In the meantime, I'm screaming, 'Help! Help! Help! Help!' He says, 'You don't need help. I'm going to kill you …
Cindy Axne said that she has "absolutely no problem losing" her district due to her support for the impeachment inquiry against Trump.

They tried to steal my TRUMP sign

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

I had 5 signs stolen. Now, when the sign is out, I'm out. Gunna catch everyone of you lil (fill in the blank). #FoxNews #RealDonaldTrump #Republican #TRUMP2020
In the most predictable story to come out of California ahead of Tuesday’s recall election, voters across the state are reporting that they’ve been trying to cast their ballots only to find out they supposedly voted already. Let’s cut to the chase. California’s universal mail-in voting system is specifically designed to allow Democrats to cheat. […]
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney has announced that the city sent $500,000 to the Abortion Liberation Fund of PA, which provides financial assistance to women who can’t afford abortion.
On Wednesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC did little to nothing to separate Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz from the unaffiliated Super PAC that ran an ad featuring a naked picture of Donald Trump’s wife Melania and instead chalked it up to a “nuclear war of words” representing more “shame” in “their nasty rivalry.”

Stossel: Armed Teachers

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Are armed teachers a solution to school shootings? --------- Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/reasontv Like us on Facebook: https://www.f...
Twitter suspended U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan for a post celebrating the success of the southern border wall.
Vladimir Putin went into quarantine following the meeting when members of his entourage tested positive for coronavirus
Meanwhile our 'Suffering Index' just hit an all-time high...

A Genocide Conviction

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

A lesson from the Balkan wars for the fight against Islamic State.
The left-wing bias of popular “fact-checking” sites like Snopes or Politfact has been well documented for years. So when Snopes took on the task of fact-checking the claim “The Obama administration, not the Trump administration, built the cages that hold many immigrant children at the U.S.-Mexico...
Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed new details on Thursday night about documents allegedly on the Biden family that went missing after being mailed
On Tuesday, two Republican Members of Congress shared a letter penned to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) detailing concerns that the Biden administration pressured FDA officials to recommend booster
Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D) spoke for less than five minutes at a campaign rally with the United Steelworkers (USW) on Tuesday. 
There was on Monday a quintessential example of the horrendously bad thinking of those opposed to all things intellectual property. An op-ed totally disconnected from reality and chock full of thought-free, pathetic anti-property platitudes.
The president has banned U.S. aid to any health organization in another country that performs or promotes abortion. Kenya's oldest provider of reproductive health services has already lost funding.
.12/04/2019 18:50:57PM EST.
An ABC affiliate in Philadelphia reportedly refuses to air an ad focusing on the Biden family corruption as Election Day draws near.
Conservatives and civil liberties advocates were among those who found fault with the board, which never convened and whose termination was widely expected.
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The Russia probe is not about Trump. It is about shielding the public from knowing the extent to which Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton weakened the country and profited in the process.