
CNN has been flouting journalistic ethics for weeks now as they allowed Chris “Fredo” Cuomo to interview his Democratic brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo almost weekly. Things came to a disgusting head during Wednesday’s edition of Cuomo PrimeTime when Chris thumbed his nose at bipartisan calls to investigate his brother’s disastrous mishandling of the outbreak in his state. Instead, he pulled out oversized, prop cotton swabs to mock how big his brother’s nose was.


A Federal Communications Commissioner on Monday blasted two prominent House Democrats for suggesting that video providers should drop Fox News and other channels. FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr slam…


Float glass refers to a sheet of glass made by pouring molten glass on a bed of molten metal, usuall


Trump's efforts to smear DeSantis ultimately hinder the prospects of unity within the conservative movement.


Guest post by Joe Hoft Paul Joseph Watson at Prison Planet unveiled another incredible video. This time the topic was the totally (un)relatable Elizabeth Warren – No matter how hard Pocahontas tries to be mainstream – she just can’t help but show how incredibly un-relatable she really is.


Sen. Tim Scott denounced Joe Biden's assertion that "you ain't black" if voters might not support him over President Donald Trump.


Racial paranoia and taboos feed crime against Asians and black distrust of Covid-19 vaccinations.


Maslansky & Partners president Lee Carter provided Americans' reactions to President Biden's press conference. While Democrats largely supported his comments, independents gave the president low marks on issues like election integrity and school closures.


Calcium Sulfate Manufacturing: An In-Depth Look at Production Costs and Requirements 2023-2028 | Syndicated Analytics
Submitted 2 years ago by peter perker • calcium sulfate production cost
The escalating adoption of calcium sulfate in building materials, including quick setting cement, plaster of Paris, wall plasters, etc., is primarily driving the global calcium sulfate market. Apart from this, the elevating usage of CaSO4 in dentistry practices as casts or dental impression-forming tools is further augmenting the market growth.


Everyone wants everything to be better, stronger, faster ? and cheaper. It’s human nature. When we’re spending our money ? we always want a better deal. When we’re spending other peoples’ money ? we don’t give a rat’s rear end about a better deal. Price is no option ? when we’re not paying the price. We pass on the hamburger ? and load up on | Read More


Michelle Obama said that when they go low, we go high. Perhaps her husband should give a short but powerful speech admitting error


State-sponsored instruction that makes your child a dogmatic racist relativist is not worth any benefit you feel schools give in return. Not a single one.


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Awards Over $10 Million In Infrastructure Funds To Sarasota County. Read the complete news story here.


The Covid pandemic raises an important question: How should promising but dangerous science be regulated?


Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, appeared to accuse fellow Democrats of stoking “religious bigotry” this week for their questioning of a Trump judicial pick’s Knights of Columbus membership.


Is there anything more tedious than the press complaining about how it’s treated? After grousing that Stephanie Grisham, President Trump’s former press secretary, never held a formal briefing,…


The vice president of a California school board is drawing criticism after she compared returning teachers to in-person instruction to slavery.


A Denver-area elementary school is teaching children in kindergarten and first grade to disrupt the nuclear family and support Black Lives Matter.


Washington Free Beacon reporter Aaron Sibarium criticized Stanford activists for plastering names of conservative students while demanding their own be removed from reports.


BISMARCK, N.D. (Jan. 9, 2019) - A bill introduced in the North Dakota House would set the foundation to nullify federal gun control in practice and effect, and put North Dakota on the path to becoming a gun sanctuary state. A coalition of 12 Republican representatives and senators, including assistant majority leader Rep. Scott Louser, introduced House Bill 1309 (HB1309) on Jan. 3. The legislation would bar any state agency, political subdivision, law enforcement officer or state employee from contracting with or providing assistance to a federal agency or official in the enforcement of a federal statute, order, rule, or regulation purporting to regulate a firearm, firearm accessory, or firearm ammunition in most situations. State agencies could only cooperate with enforcement of a federal gun law if the offense also violates state law or if the federal agency appeals to the state district court of the county in which the violation occurred, and the court finds probable cause that a


I know so many people who are actually like this. Original video by AwakenWithJP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcUAG6t5aN8 T-shirt link: https://www.cultu...


Access to older analogue dictionaries has become politically invaluable. Pre-internet, august dictionaries function as linguistic anchors


UKRAINE - As Russian troops assemble at Ukraine's border ahead of a possible land invasion, President Biden has taken swift action by deploying an elite seal team to evacuate his son Hunter's money.'At my direction, military operatives infiltrated a bank to evacuate my son's stash of sweet, sweet Burisma cash before Russia murder ...


A video has resurfaced online from during the peak of the alleged COVID-19 pandemic.
The video shows America’s most untrusted doctor, Anthony Fauci, going door to door with DC mayor Muriel Bowser to try and persuade citizens to get the vaccine.
Unfortunately for the duo, they knocked on the wrong do


President Trump ended his marathon press conference Thursday by responding to the mounting political tensions in the country – and saying he didn’t start the fire.