Author of "Unwanted Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus" sued for defamation.
Denzel Washington, a well known Oscar-winning actor who has called it like it is few times, understands that respect for our troops is major priority. On the other side, Hollywood is known for comparing the lives of fame to the lives of soldiers and veterans, so Denzel gives them a reality check. Watch what Denzel […]
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Syndicated Analytics new report titled “E-Rickshaw Manufacturing Project Report: Industry Trends, Ma
Trump denounces attack at Ariana Grande concert venue as work of "evil losers"; Netanyahu extends condolence to victims, condemns terrorism.
Every year, many thousands of American parents find that the son or daughter they sent to college has been transformed by college into a leftist. For left-wing parents, this may be a blessing, but for parents who are not leftist — not to mention conservative — it is often painfully jolting.
Four individuals who allegedly attempted to topple a statue of Andrew Jackson were charged Friday with the destruction of federal property.
NPR is walking back its claim that stories on Hunter Biden's alleged laptop were "discredited," now admitting the claim is baseless.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - This Lent, devout Catholic Joe Biden has announced that he is giving up coherent speaking for the next 40 days. It's traditional for Catholics to give up some mortal pleasure during the 40 days preceding Easter, and Biden is no exception to the custom.'Ffffor -- for the n-next, next 40,000 - excuse me - 40 hundred days, I w ...
Syndicated Analytics' latest report titled “Gelatin Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Tre
The information was posted on a blog run by Aaron Nevins, the political operative, and then passed along to Roger Stone -- an informal advis...
Tuesday marks the first day of trading for the new company, and comes amid high anxiety on the Fox lot in Los Angeles because of the expectation that more than 3,000 jobs will be eliminated as part of Walt Disney Co.’s consolidation of much of Fox.
We should feel free to ignore travel restrictions imposed by political clowns using the public as pawns in their feuds.
The University of California-Berkeley, which costs upwards of $40,000 a year for those living on-campus, spends $25 million a year just on its employees
The latest report by Syndicated Analytics titled "Nitric Acid Production Cost Analysis Report 2023-2028: Capital Investment, Manufacturing Process, Raw Materials, Operating Cost, Industry Trends and Revenue Statistics"
Professor Bret Weinstein found it inappropriate that students would bar him from campus because of his race and because of that the black students at Evergreen State College held protests and made thr
Intolerance of the other political party has become a hallmark of civic life in the United States. But speculation ranges widely about the causes and cures. The left blames President Trump and those...
Newly minted Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe is slamming recent leaks out of the intelligence community about unverified allegations the Russian government paid Taliban terrorists to kill U.S. troops
Patrons at a Canadian restaurant shouted at health inspectors who attempted to shut down the restaurant for violating COVID-19 Guidelines
The rising product demand in the commercial and residential sectors, owing to the expanding construction industry, is among the key factors driving the float glass market.
Syndicated Analytics’ latest report, titled “Fish Meal Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant…
The bill was requested by the Department of Justice after federal prosecutors bungled a child exploitation case.
On Friday, the LGBT Center in New York City cancelled Brandon Straka’s #WalkAway town hall, which was to take place on March 28.
At his first press conference in nearly three months, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden said he is 'constantly tested' for mental decline.