
As Matt reported earlier in the aftermath of the tragic shooting at an Independence Day parade in Highland Park, Illinois, it was revealed that the alleged perpetrator was known to


Democratic voters are looking for a candidate to bring about needed change and think Clinton is the best to do it, a new CBS News/ New York Times poll shows


House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Screenshot)


Is tolerating smashed car windows, streets full of urine, and teen gangs is worth it to live in poorly-run cities like Washington D.C. anymore?


The White House on Tuesday struggled to explain why the Centers for Disease Control would announce new masking policies across the country.


DOCTOR Jill is perfectly content to let Joe finish his long career falling apart on television just so she can


While the civilized world mourns for Paris and prepares to take the fight to ISIS, the official Palestinian Authority media is making the preposterous claim that Israel was behind Friday’s attacks that killed 129 in the French capital.


De-politicize a department that can kill you and take your stuff? What a novel idea.


Following President Trump’s announcement of a U.S. Supreme Court nominee just weeks before Election Day, Democrat Joe Biden has jumped out to an eight-point lead in Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey. The survey does not include reaction to last night’s first Trump-Biden debate.


An Atlanta restaurant instituted a new rule that if you’re not vaccinated, you won’t be served after several staff members and a co-owner got infected.


Instead of protecting the vulnerable, they bet too heavily on vaccines to achieve herd immunity.


The U.S. House approved a GOP bill to strengthen the vetting process of Syrian and Iraqi refugees on Thursday, ignoring a veto threat from President Barack Obama. The bill was reportedly passed 289-137, giving the legislation the two-thirds majority required to override a veto. A total of 47...


America will never see a book titled "Things That Make Black People Uncomfortable" because that would be a most racist book fit for the shelves of Richard Spencer's library.


In recent weeks, “comedian” Samantha Bee has used her TBS program Full Frontal to advocate for left-wing policy proposals from gun control to student loan forgiveness. This week, she gave a lecture on climate change. Bee spent most of her monologue trashing the Koch brothers, whom she described as “two guys” who “managed to radically damage Planet Earth.”


Speaker Nancy Pelosi spelled out a dire prediction for President Trump should the election come down to the House to be decided.


For the first time in 45 years, the House of Representatives passed a bill to force taxpayers to fund abortion.


These numbers almost seem too absurd to believe, but believe it: They're real, and they're spectacular. (Actually they're really bad but you get the point.)


The third suicide bomber who blew himself up outside of Paris’ Stade de France stadium last week has been identified by BBC as a man who arrived at the Greek island of Leros together with another attacker called Ahmad al Mohammad.


A new report from The Wall Street Journal reveals that now-former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe may have discovered new


Patriot Retort: Did you know that today across the country school children are getting a free pass to walk out of school and join a “Global Climate Strike?” And who is the star of the show? Greta Thunberg. Yup, that Swedish kid with Asberger’s syndrome is here in America hoping to convert your children to the...


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump "going into crowds unmasked" was a "brazen invitation" for his positive coronavirus diagnosis on Friday's broadcast of MSNBC's " Live." | Clips


Alex Berenson is a former reporter for the New York Times, as well as a NYT Bestselling Author, who has been utterly vilified by the left over the past few years for the crime of openly challenging…


Jose Alba, who was sprung from the notorious jail complex on Thursday, was stabbed twice in each arm — allegedly by his assailants girlfriend — during the attack.


All of Hillary Clinton’s emails were saved and she knew it, according to an email released by the State Department on Friday. In an email chain from 2012 between Clinton, Huma Abedin, Monica Hanley and Justin Cooper, Hillary complained she was having trouble with a Blackberry device. “It comes back to life once I plug …


The entire American left -- the mainstream media, the environmentalist