
President Trump appeared to defend policy of separating migrant families by saying immigration-related issues in Germany and Europe could happen here.


GOP Sen. Mike Lee told reporters the briefing was so "demeaning" that he changed his mind on a resolution to limit Trump's power to attack Iran.


Former California state lawmaker Young Kim, 58, has flipped a blue congressional seat to the Republican Party, the second California seat the GOP has


Pilots at Southwest appear to be sicking out in a rebellion against vaccine mandates that has crippled the airline since Friday. Why Southwest a…


The letter requested the Senate codify the so-called Respect for Marriage Act.


On July 20, 1969, the men of the Apollo 11 mission realized the late President Kennedy’s vision. They walked on the moon before the end of…


Authorities are on alert after receiving a law enforcement intelligence warning about a possible suicide bomber heading north toward the U.S.


Psychologist Natasha Sharma checks in with 'The Morning Show' with tips on dealing with family and friends who refuse to follow COVID-19 measures.


Far-left demonstrators flew to Boston Monday to confront Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) over her opposition to the massive social spending bill being pushed by President Biden and Democratic congres…


The 2022 midterm election results may not be revealed until after election night, Politico suggested on Monday. Issues surrounding the 2020 Presidential election, including mail-in voting, may still exist in battleground states which could lead to a delay in results similarly seen in the previous election. However, election officials are reportedly optimistic that result delays […]


Editor's note: An earlier version of this story characterized the letter sent to school by the Obama administration as an order; this has been changed to reflect that it is a letter of guidance.
The Obama administration today will call on public school districts nationwide to allow transgender...


Justice Clarence Thomas (Screen Capture)


Check Out Mark Robinson's Speech At Turning Point USA's HISTORIC 2019 Black Leadership Summit In Washington DC!


Obama has written not one but two memoirs about himself, the second out this week, which I'm calling 'Everyone Who Disagrees with Me is Racist, Part II.'


The White House announced on Wednesday that President Joe Biden has reached an agreement with leaders in Los Angeles and union workers to ease supply chain disruptions by keeping the ports of Los Angeles open 24/7. The president will give a speech Wednesday afternoon discussing ongoing supply chain ...


In addition to being condescending and divisive, the phrase “people of color” also obscures reality.


Bernie Sanders makes an appearance in Salem, Oregon, May 10th, 2016, and we chat with some of the people waiting in line to see him. We get their take on Don...


Unlawful for DC Restaurants to Discriminate Based on Political Affiliation - Marina Medvin: Washington D.C. expressly prohibits their restaurants from discriminating against patrons .06/26/2018 6:50:06AM EST.


U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who was one of the coordinators of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's impeach-the-president agenda in the U.S. House, is dodging a serious question about whether he would testify in a Senate impeachment trial for President Trump.


The Wayne County Board of Canvassers initially failed to certify the election results in Michigan’s largest county Thursday after the four-member panel deadlocked at 2-2 along partisan lines.


The Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court released its first report Thursday, suggesting that an expansion of the court would be unlikely to achieve balance.

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The expanding food processing sector represents one of the primary factors catalyzing the global methional market. It is used as a flavoring agent in various potato-based snacks, majorly potato chips.


Instead of an expression of liberty, the Trump phenomenon is a threat to it.


A federal judge says “even a blind person” can see that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is prosecuting Paul Manafort as a way to acquire evidence against his “true target,” President Trump.


CNN Democratic debate viewers, including Stephen Colbert, couldn't help but notice one of the moderators seemed to be against Bernie Sanders.