Early Wednesday morning, Georgia’s Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams refused to concede to Republican challenger Brian Kemp.
Toronto Mayor John Tory is shrugging off criticism that a Sunday evening salute to medical workers went against the city’s social-distancing and staying-at-home message.Held along Hospital Ro…
WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Joe Biden signed an executive order today mandating thatall biology textbooks have a Surgeon General's Warning placed on them. The labels will warn potential consumers of the books' harmful content, including implications that there are only two biological genders and that you have either XX chromosomes or XY chromosome ...
2021 marked another year of brazenly slanted media coverage, and the "fact-checking," industry, who've long cast themselves as impartial arbiters of truth, was no exception.
At Donald Trump's first post-victory "Thank You" rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, the president-elect outlined his "America First" policy. He said that attempts to "separate us by race, by age, by income, by place of birth, and by geography" were over. He said: "Now is the time to embrace the one thing that truly unites us. You know what that is? America." He continued: "We hear a lot of talk about how we are becoming a 'globalized world.' But the relationships that people value in this country are local." "There is no global anthem. No global currency. No certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag and that flag is the American flag," he continued. "From now on it is going to be: America First... Never anyone again will any other interests come before the interest of the American people. It is not going to happen again." Transcript: PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD TRUMP: For too long, Washington has tried to put us in boxes. The separate us by race, by age, by income, by place of birth, and by geography. They spend too much time focusing on what divides us. Now is the time to embrace the one thing that truly unites us. You know what that is? America. Because when America is unified, nothing is beyond our reach. I mean that. You will see... We're going to have a country that is so great, in so many different ways. We hear a lot of talk about how we are becoming a "globalized world." But the relationships that people value in this country are local. Family, state, country. They are local. We wil compete in the world. We will compete in the world where is a two-way road -- not the one way around. The advantages will come back to our country, and they haven't for many years. There is no global anthem. No global currency. No certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag and that flag is the American flag. [cheering] From now on it is going to be: America First. Okay? America first. We're going to put ourselves first. We seek peace and harmony with the nations of the world, but that means recognizing the right of every country --including our own-- to look after its citizens. We would put other countries first, we had people running our country that truly did not know what the hell they we're doing. [cheers and applause] We will defend the American worker... look what has happened right here. They forgot the American worker. They forgot that it was the American worker who truly built our country. We will not forget. One of the reasons we are so divided today is because our government has failed to protect the interests of the American workers, and their families, making it too easy for us to see ourselves as distinct groups, and not unified as a whole. We're not unified. We're going to be. Washington politicians have spent so long appealing to particular interests, that they have forgotten how to appeal to to the national interests. How to muster the skills and the talents of our people in common cause. And we have unbelievable talent. But that is all about to change. Our goal is to strengthen the bonds of trust between citizens, to restore the sense of membership in our shared national community. Global is wonderful, but right now we want to focus on our national community. Never anyone again will any other interests come before the interest of the American people. It is not going to happen again. [applause] Over the last two weeks since the victory, I have spoken to many foreign leaders. And I will tell you they have such respect for us. They all tell me how this was amazing, how they sat in their magnificent rooms --the leaders, the prime ministers, the presidents, all of them. How they sat in their magnificent rooms, watching in wonderment, hearing how people came to vote that had not voted in 20 years, people came to vote how have never voted before. And they had Trump shirts on, and 'Make America Great Again' hats, and they thought it was amazing. [applause] And honestly, one of them told me: I truly respect the United States again because of what happened.
The sales of clothing and accessories fell by more than half in March, a trend that is expected to only get worse in April.
U.N. Secretary General  Antonio Guterres on Thursday called for a “reset” between the U.S. and China, and suggested the U.S. could work with the communist regime on issues such as “climate action.”
It’s almost impossible to be as wrong as a liberal is on everything. Some people do manage to do it, on occasion, but by and large it’s not an easy
Even those who don’t share DeSantis’ politics should speak up and say the coverage is absurd and lack of trust in news organizations has hurt us all. But they won’t because there are election…
The media have gone predictably insane over the story that a 28-year-old nutjob walked into Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington, D.C. with a shotgun and fired one blast before being arrested. What drove Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina to attempt assault with a deadly weapon? He said that he came to perform an investigation into #PizzaGate, a completely fictional conspiracy theory about a child sex ring led by top Democrats.
A summit planned for this June at Harvard aims to discuss what it calls the "problems, politics, and prospects for reform" in homeschooling.
The residents of New York's Congressional District 22 are one large step closer to knowing who their next representative will be.
OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion Reminder : The purpose of the articles that you will find on this website is to EDUCATE our opinions and not to disinform or grow hate and anger! Nobody knows why this 23-year-old young man opened fire on his family while they opened their Christmas […]
After one of its locales was defaced and damaged by pro-abortion vandals this last weekend Houston Pregnancy Help Centers staff and supporters immediately assembled to clean up the delinquents’ mess, and the center did not miss a beat in serving clients. Following the attack, Executive Director and CEO Sylvia Johnson...
The Israeli Air Force Responded To Over 450 Rockets and Mortar Shells Launched Into Israel by Hamas and Islamic Jihad Terror Organizations.
Experts are warning the public about alternative remedies Cristina Cuomo says she and her family used during their fight against COVID-19.
A group of Virginia parents filed a lawsuit Wednesday challenging the “anti-racism policy” of the Albemarle County Public Schools, arguing that the program indoctrinates children in a radical ideology that teaches them to “affirmatively discriminate based on race.”
Academic departments should not be allowed to discard good people just because they aren’t ideological clones of those who are in power.
Hospitals are paid more for Medicare patients with COVID-19. Though a senator who first stated that doesn't think the system is being gamed.
Democrat congressional leaders took the first step toward passing President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion so-called coronavirus relief bill with or without Republican support, submitting a joint budget resolution Monday that would allow them to use the arcane reconciliation procedure.
Almost 100 hundred people have died in Fangak, Jonglei State in the northern part of South Sudan from an undiagnosed illness
The inflating need for proper hygiene and the growing consumer consciousness towards maintaining their physical appearances are primarily driving the Europe facial wipes market. Additionally, the increasing popularity of skin care regimes, particularly among the millennial population, is further bolstering the market growth.
by Tim Brown, Freedom OutPost: All one needs to do is look to Germany and the massive financial burden and criminal element that has been allowed to come into their country to know that between these two men, only one of them is telling the truth; and it?s not Soros. Hungarian-born billionaire philanthropist and Nazi collaborator ?
Outgoing Democratic Senate Minority Leader Jennifer Shilling has named Scot Ross--a vile, truly repugnant lowlife--who was involved in the Caucus Scandal to the Wisconsin Ethics Commission.