
New Orleans has overtaken St. Louis as the murder capital of America as the city sees a 141% increase in homicides when compared to recent years.


The president is now reversing himself after facing fierce backlash for forcibly removing thousands of children from their parents.


Jewish leaders aren't blaming the NYPD, though.


Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz predicted that President Donald Trump will attempt to settle the election in ...


Is Boston mayoral candidate Annissa Essaibi George a political moderate? It depends on who you ask. The mainstream media frequently calls her one, but she doesn’t like the label — and refutes it. After the Democrat earned second place in the preliminary round, The New York Times put out a headline that read “Boston Mayor’s...


President Joe Biden tried to downplay skyrocketing inflation on Sunday, insisting it was only up "just an inch" during his presidency.


Federalist senior writer Mary Katharine Ham joined CNN Newsroom on Wednesday to explain why Donald Trump's inconsistencies will hurt the GOP in November.


An IRS employee's version of a meeting with Lois Lerner says a top staffer for Sen. John McCain urged officials to conduct 'financially ruinous' checks.


Opinion: The anger of the Iranian public over Tehran's attempt to avoid taking responsibility for the incident that claimed the lives of 176 people, is yet another link in a chain of events that might lead to Islamic Republic's collapse


Have you ever had a discussion with someone and you come to realize that they are not just unwilling to but are utterly incapable of even understanding


Essential workers in the Northern Territory will be subject to one of the strictest Covid-19 vaccination mandates in the world to begin in just a month.


WEST Yorkshire Police has revealed the names of five more men charged with historic sexual abuse in Bradford.


Sen. Tom Cotton accepted the challenge, but President Obama’s speechwriter and high-ranking foreign policy adviser Ben Rhodes ducked out of a hearing Tuesday where he was to explain whether he misled the country in pushing the Iran nuclear deal.


The following is satirical. Democrats and journalists — but I repeat myself — are furiously accusing the Trump administration of giving conflicting explanations for the killing of terrorist leader Qassem Soleimani. Pencil-necked McCarthyite Adam Schiff went on “Meet the Press” with NBC anchorman Chuck Credulous, and actually managed to keep a straight face as he […]


More than 80% of Black Americans favor a police presence in their area equal to current levels or more, according to the findings of a Gallup poll released Wednesday.

M-Xylene Price Trend 2022: Plant Cost, Production Cost Analysis, Forecast, Profit Margins, Raw Materials Costs, Land and Construction Costs 2027 | Syndicated Analytics – Spooool.ie
Submitted 2 years ago by peter perker • m-xylene-production-cost-analysis-price-trends-2022-2027
The growing utilization of m-xylene as a raw material for manufacturing various industrial chemicals, including dimethyl-terephthalate (DMT), purified terephthalic acid (PTA), isophthalic acid, etc., is primarily driving the growth of the global m-xylene market.


“OK, @benshapiro. Let's debate. I propose the motion: "Donald Trump is good for America," with @RubinReport as moderator. First week of June?”


President Donald Trump has asked advisers their opinions about nominating Utah Senator Mike Lee to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court, according to three people familiar with the matter.


Wednesday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom ended with host Brooke Baldwin and correspondent Jason Carroll serving as chief fear mongerers on behalf of “Governor Blackface” Ralph Northam (D-VA), parroting fears that Monday’s Lobby Day in support of the Second Amendment could bring violence a la Charlottesville. Baldwin also repeatedly fixated on the event and the possibility of violence falling on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so there was that angle that one could assume was a hint of racism.


Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) provided a positive update on his health Wednesday.


As a candidate, Joe Biden promised to restore the soul of the nation and unify America. His presidency would be a return to normalcy, left-wing...


Oh, how the smug have fallen. Left-wing dinosaurs should learn that simply whining about Donald Trump is not enough to get them back in the good graces of the woke police, who constantly (wo)man the...


White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea.


Looks can be deceiving. Upon looking at the face of Alan Vargas, a 17-year-old liberal activist from California, one might think, ?Hey, that looks like a nice kid!? But one would be immensely wrong. Like millions of other left-wing zealots, Vargas is a bully ? one who used social media last week to sic a mob ?


A few days before a keep America great rally scheduled in Virginia on Monday to denounce a local bill tightening gun control, Donald Trump threw oil on the fire by accusing the Democrats behind the text of endangering the United States constitution.