President Joe Biden's administration on Aug. 15 urged a federal court to keep the affidavit that led to ...
Florida's Attorney General Pam Bondi Endorses Donald Trump
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Saturday that the Justice Department would not pursue "small" marijuana offenses, even after he reversed an Obama-policy that had paved the way for the cannabis industry to proceed uninterrupted in state
Well with 2020 around the corner and as fast as this first term for president Trump has gone, his second term will fly by just as fast. I still believe President Trump will win by a landslide in November of 2020 and there isn’t any need to think otherwise. I think it’s only appropriate for…
Emily Freeman, a Microsoft software engineer and public speaker, appeared to endorse “sliding a knife between” the “ribs” of conservatives while offering to donate to the Democratic party on Twitter.…
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic
“Riot" is the word that the Chinese Communist Party uses for its massacre
After a nearly 11-hour hearing on impeaching President Trump, MSNBC and the Washington Post hosted a Democratic debate where the leadoff topic was…impeaching President Trump.
Liberal activists and their allies in the mainstream media are now claiming that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden did not accidentally reference
A flight with American citizens and lawful permanent residents that departed Afghanistan on Thursday safely landed in Qatar, the White House confirmed, adding that the Taliban was "cooperative" in the effort.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will make 'major announcement' on Friday, according to his office.
He's self-funding most of his campaign.
Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi have managed to pull off a miracle with their impeachment gambit. They’ve united Republicans around Donald Trump, a feat once thought impossible, and for which the pres…
WASHINGTON D.C.—NASA recently announced its discovery of definitive evidence that there is water on the moon. President Donald Trump wasted no time, following up with an announcement of his own. “Water in space means only one thing,” he told the press. “We need to create a Space Navy.”According to Trump, the Space Force would patr …
The president cannot impose a vaccine mandate on Congress via executive order or in an agency or department regulation, according to the Congressional Institute.
“Many POC moved here to be able to avoid white violence and presence, so respect their decision of avoidance if you bring white guests,” the rules declare. “White guests are not allowed in common s…
On March 25, Indiana Republican Gov.
A 13-year-old girl's choice of "Joy to the World" for a piano assignment was rejected for being too "religious" by a California charter school before reversing the decision Tuesday.
Joe Biden needs to answer whether or not he's compromised by China before the Nov. 3 election, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, said Wednesday.
The Supreme Court has allowed Congress to delegate unchecked power to unelected agency officials, but that may change soon.
"If only more people could follow his example, instead of taking the path of appeasement in the name of cultural sensitivity, the long years of murder and mayhem wrought by the Islamists on the West might come to an end." — Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Unherd,
“How is the government supposed to…”

Alfie Evans: Doomed By The State

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

What the hell is wrong in England and the UK in general? You are our cousins, the liberty that shook the world has its very roots in this great country!
Every Christmas season, it appears we have to endure listening to the race hustlers and the gay patrol complain about the one channel left in America that does not partake in envelope-pushing. The Hallmark channel really is the last known entertainment that does not engage in the culture wars by ...
New York’s ultra-rich are quietly preparing for civil unrest on Election Day — by hiring armed guards to stand watch over their luxury Manhattan buildings.