In a historic move, a small cadre of Catholic bishops and cardinals have joined forces to issue a formal "declaration of truths" to reaffirm long-established Church doctrine in the face of what they describe as "universal doctrinal confusion and disorientation" under the Francis pontificate.
In a piece originally titled “There’s A Sinister Reason Coloring Books Are So Popular In Quarantine,” a professor who teaches the history of art, ideas, and technology at Stanford University and also writes for The Guardian and Vogue posits a unique take: “What if the recent popularity of coloring books comes not from the creativity […]
The cumulation of evidence suggests Christopher Steele was a complete phony.
Thomas Catenacci President Joe Biden’s decision to reverse a series of Trump administration energy policies have harmed American consumers amid the
A leader of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) who spoke at the March for Marriage in Russellville, Arkansas Saturday was interrupted in her address when LGBT activists with protest signs and rainbow flags ran up on the stage with her, attempting to disrupt the event.
Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t The Spectator ? Guardian author John Gibbons has written an extraordinary piece which blames climate denial on old white people. Climate deniers want to protec…
According to Searchlight Germany, "After the barbecue, which was organised as a protest against the 'interreligious Eid festival', participants were attacked by two Syrians and attacked with a knife." It's clear who is in charge in Germany now. How long will it be before Merkel's government, seeing consumption of pork as evidence of "right-wing extremism,"...
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R) has declined to accept additional federal funding for the $400 weekly unemployment insurance boost, which the Trump administration recently extended via an executive memorandum. In a statement released on Friday evening, the Republican governor thanked President Donald Trump for his unilateral executive action in the face of congressional gridlock, […]
"Day to day, ATF plays a significant role in the legal trade of firearms in this country," Grassley said during Wednesday's Senate Judiciary hearing.
Crime has been rising in Washington, D.C., since the spring of 2020, as local officials continue to disagree over the root causes of the violence.
In the wake of this week's violent riots on the streets of Baltimore in response to the April 19 death of Freddie Gray, American Federation of Teachers president and notable rich person Randi Weingart
Steelers quarterback says the protest should've been handled differently.

Socialism, the True Gospel of Greed

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

“Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.” That’s from President Trump’s last State of the Union address.
Cardi B can add hard-hitting journalist to her long list of talents. 
Kamala Harris on Friday became the first woman to give the commencement speech at the United States Naval Academy when
Ukrainian officials said they have killed about 12 Russian generals on the battlefield, according to the New York Times
Two months ago, The New York Times published an op-ed piece by a professor of philosophy titled, "Why Our Children Don't Think There Are Moral Facts."

An Anti-Growth Tax Cut

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Republicans' proposed $1.5 trillion tax cut is irresponsible and anti-growth ...
As the next installment in a series inspired by readers’ questions, The Sun took a look at the city’s mounting litter problem and the forces behind it.
Vice President Kamala Harris sent a tweet telling Americans to “enjoy the long weekend” and disregard America’s national day of mourning, Memorial day.

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

What has that cow done to Russia to deserve this? They didn’t even slaughter her, just left her to die in a field. How disgusting. Watch Video I wouldn’t go so far as to say ALL of them, but it definitely does appear that it’s a sizeable majority. As I said before, the Russian Citizens […] More
Motion for Recusal details Mosby's many incontrovertible conflicts of interest
CLEVELAND, OH—A "bizarre, controversial" new medical procedure performed by doctors at the Cleveland Clinic heals babies with a birth defect called spina bifida, rather than killing these unborn children outright.Liberals reported they were nonplussed by the procedure."Uh... so you, like, try to repair the defect instead of just killi …
President Donald Trump reacted to a viral image showing that Goodyear Tire had banned employees from wearing MAGA attire.