Former Star Trek star George Takei who played Mr. Sulu in the original episodes of the groundbreaking sci-fi TV classic and later went on to act in the box office sequels, found himself gored by his own ox over allegations that he sexually assaulted a male model in 1980.Takei has become a hero o

Dr. Thot Yorke on Twitter

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

“just been having fun with that app that shows you what you're going to look like in 40 years”
A 19-year-old is in jail after police say he fired shots at a house in Biloxi earlier this week.
EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Demand To Know How A Left-Leaning Group Allegedly Channeled Private Funds To Election Agencies
Mike Pomeo also chimed in on what's at stake here.
The family of Imran Awan, the now-indicted former IT aide to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other Democrats, was previously accused of fraud in Pakistan involving "huge chunks" of land, but the cha
NEW YORK, NY—The New York Times was criticized late last week for praising the Soviet Union for its unprecedented gender equality at its brutal prison camps.The piece swooned over the way the Soviets provided forced labor opportunities for people of all races, genders, and orientations, pointing out that while the United States may have won the Cold War …
Reporters who were able to ask questions at Joe Biden's press conference Friday were torn apart by critics for failing to properly grill the Democratic presidential candidate. 
Mark Morgan says the nearly one million illegal aliens apprehended at the border since October 2020 have not been vaccinated for coronavirus.
Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke said existing owners of semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 shouldn’t "be able to keep them."
Carly Fiorina joins the Republican field not only as the first female candidate for the GOP, but also the first from the business world. She was an executive at AT&T and then its spin-off Lucent, before becoming CEO of Hewlett-Packard. ...
For Bannon, Rove is the epitome of the establishment he has declared war on, and the loathing is mutual.
A company CEO says a school board president has rejected his offer to pay overdue lunch bills in a district that warned parents their children could end up in foster care if they didn't pony up
You couldn't make it up. Except that's exactly what they've done.
Jamie Dimon, the Chief Executive at JPMorgan Chase, gave a harsh reality check of the nation’s current economic stance. During a conference hosted by AllianceBernstein Holdings, Dimon warned Americans to brace
Some say that its so, so very wrong to take so much pleasure at a scandal in which the heroes of the Democrat Party are all being exposed as handsy, tonguey creeps. But if its wrong to laugh at the hilarious comeuppance these hypocrites are suffering, I dont want to be right. In fact, I want to be super-mega-hyper wrong.
Brian Hastings, Chief of Law Enforcement at the U.S. Border Patrol, made a stunning claim on Thursday about the U.S. citizen who was detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for three weeks, saying that the individual never claimed to be an American.

Democrats Blame Trump for Riots.

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

No Lie Is Too Preposterous to Become a Democratic Talking Point.
The press wants to make the Democratic Party’s crime problem into a partisan issue, but Republicans have nothing to do with this. This is a battle between liberals and progressives, and they know it.
A court denied former Detroit Police Chief James Craig's bid to appear on the ballot after his campaign became mired in a signature fraud scheme.
The fate of the Navy commanding officer who fired his personal handgun at an armed assailant on July 16 in Chattanooga, Tenn., remains undecided.
Promises "we're going to see an explosion in the kinds of connectivity and the depth of that connectivity" like never before.
“About 13% of American women are Black, but they submit to over 38% of all abortions."