A C-SPAN caller strongly suggested Friday that he is "leaning" toward voting for President Trump due to the lack of mainstream media coverage of the growing Hunter Biden controversy.
Millions of people are reconsidering their vote for President Joe Biden last year as they see him hobble through a growing stack of national problems.
ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo.—There is no secret cabal of Democrats working in cahoots with Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R-Wyo.) campaign ...
Case of Fredrick Harris, charged with manslaughter in 2013 death of Air Force vet Charles Johnson in La., is now political fodder
Troops from the People’s Liberation Army were deployed on the streets of Hong Kong over the weekend for the first time in the protests.
Oregon's vaccine mandate is headed to court after cops and firefighters challenge Kate Brown's edict for state workers.
This isn't the outcome they wanted.
Sen. Kelly Ayotte is an establishment Republican from New Hampshire. In fact, she?s about as establishment as you can get. She supported the Gang of Eight immigration reform bill; she support…
The gay activist (he was the lead lawyer in the "Boys Don't Cry" case) left a note likening himself to the Tibetan Monk who self-immolated protesting China. But there really is no comparison because the Monk was protesting actual events, this sad figure killed himself over a fictitious crisis. Even if one stipulates that global warming is real, man cannot control the weather, and that in itself reveals the mental defect in a leftist. That need to control. I wish the guy thought about this a little more like an activist and convinced several thousand of like-minded people to join him in protest. The carbon footprint would have been extremely hazardous to the environment, causing an ice sheet or two to melt, but it's the trade-off I would have to live with. RIP dude. You employed a permanent solution to an invented crisis.
Emirates' president Sir Tim Clark says climate change activists helped airlines focus on the need to act.
University of Michigan professor Justin Wolfers and dozens of other academics are leading a massive effort to have a senior faculty member at the University of Chicago removed from his position at the world's preeminent economics journal -- all because he criticized Black Lives Matter's push to defund police departments.
THE mom of a Marine killed in the deadly suicide bombing in Afghanistan last month has made it clear that President Joe Biden is not welcome at her son’s funeral. Instead, Shana Chappell has invite…
The era of Donald Trump has brought a great many changes to the political world since 2016, and the year 2023 will be no different.

The Power of the Purse - Ricochet

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Last week, Mona Charen published a post on Ricochet, defending the Republican establishment. She began by observing that “The Republican Party is choosing an odd time to commit suicide,” and she rightly drew attention to the fact that “in the Obama era the Democrats lost 13 US Senate seats, 69 House seats, 910 legislative seats, 11 governorships, and 30 legislative?
The first phase of impeachment did not go well for Democrats. It needed to be a time when support for the inquiry and impeachment grew. Instead, it shrank.
CNN is raising eyebrows over a report that accused conservatives of trying to "discredit" giant social media companies while omitting the controversy surrounding Twitter and Facebook's efforts to suppress explosive New York Post reports about Hunter Biden.
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today the withdrawal of anti-gun lobbyist David Chipman’s nomination to head the federal
The Ohio governor and GOP presidential candidate tells "Face the Nation" Republican senators "probably ought" to at least meet with Obama's nominee
Sign Petition To Stop Pelosi’s Impeachment Scheme, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry against President Trump.
Hyperbole was more fun in Mencken’s age. Today it’s become ugly and fanatical, a weapon in a holy war.
We now have the roadmap for the Democratic midterm strategy in 2022. In a press conference last week, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki e
Lori Lightfoot, Chicago's Democrat mayor, announced on July 15, 2021, that she would create a $1 million reward program through the Chicago Police Department's tip line for people who call in reports of illegal firearms. Chicago Police Supt. David Brown said, "This incentive will not only bring hone...
Plans pushed by GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz under the immigration reform debate in 2013 would have jumped the number of immigrants, including those from Muslim nations, by doubling green card caps and boosting temporary worker visas five-fold. Under the Cruz plan, yearly legal immigration would have gone from 740,000 to 1,675,000. Well before Donald Trump drew a line on Muslim immigrants following a wave of terror attacks, highlighted by Tuesday's deadly blasts in Belgium, Cruz's suggested changes to the so-called Gang of Eight legislation would have also created a family green card category and lifted the per-country caps on immigrants.