A rising star in the Democratic Party is taking heat for record violent crime in her city.As Atlanta suffers the deadliest year in decades, Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms is facing the brunt of the criticism.DA WHO CHARGED ATLANTA OFFICERS GETS CRUSHED IN ELECTION Three killings in less than 24
In May, the UNC School of Medicine revised its Guidelines for Appointment, Reappointment, and Promotion. Now, faculty seeking promotion must tout their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. One sample DEI statement, posted on the School of Medicine website, shows what that requirement might entail, concluding with a nod to the concept of intersectionality. As … Continue reading "UNC School of Medicine’s Quiet “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” Revolution"
The left's indoctrination of small children has consequences.

Letters From Catholic Mothers

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Pope Francis’s ongoing refusal to respond to the allegations of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò continues to cause great harm to the church and the laity. The Catholic News Agency reports on the evidence received by the Vatican as far back as 2000. The Catholic Church has existed for two thousand years because its teachings are directly ?
Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro confirmed Tuesday the administration is working on an executive order to fix our medical supply chain.
German MP says personal freedom must be sacrificed for the greater good
"That's right Tucker, you've earned it," the host says
Gorsuch cited the treatment of Colorado cake baker Jack Philips during oral arguments in another religious liberty case.
Cruz wants a stopgap to block the White House from giving up its internet oversight role.
Barack Obama is trying to take credit for the booming economy under President Trump. “When you hear how great the economy is doing right now,” Obama said on the campaign trail for Democratic candid…

A 'Never Biden' Movement Takes Root

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Even in his prime, Biden was not a strong presidential candidate.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday introduced his own version of a bill to increase the $600 stimulus checks from the coronavirus relief package to $2,000, but also included two other major priorities for President Trump.
The Justice Department directed U.S. attorneys to prioritize prosecutions of commercial aircraft passengers who “endanger the safety" of other flight passengers.
Every day, more Americans are waking up to the fact that the Covid-19 "vaccines" are neither safe nor effective. As
Does support for Trump reflect an uninformed populism and misplaced anger by a large swath of the American electorate? Or have the elites failed to empathize with their struggles, and failed to craft effective policies to help them cope?
Slayed 'Em: Here's Grassley Killing Democratic Hopes For An FBI Investigation Into Kavanaugh - Matt Vespa: Christine Blasey Ford alleges that nearly 40 years ago Brett .09/20/2018 19:00:08PM EST.
The five sex beasts targeted the vulnerable youngster when she was a 15-year-old.
I'm an optimist and I used to think 2021 couldn't be any worse than 2020. But with Biden and his crew about to take charge of our lives, now I'm not so sure.
DENVER (AP) — An automatic recount confirmed Monday that Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert won her reelection bid against Democrat Adam Frisch. The nail-biter race showed the congresswoman's combative style is wearying voters in her conservative Colorado district.
On Monday, after a day of silence on the terror attacks in New York and Minnesota and the attempted terror attacks in New Jersey, President Obama finally took to the podium to explain that Americans must remain vigilant. “To everybody in this region,” Obama said, “I want to repeat what we’ve said before: if you see something suspicious, then you need to say something.”
Dr. Sebastian Gorka said Saturday on “Fox & Friends” that the bombshell report on Rod Rosenstein shows the corruption of top Obama-era officials.
Does New Year's Day violence foreshadow another violent year for America?