If you cannot even name evil, you cannot fight it
Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said Tuesday on "CNN Tonight" that the House Republicans creating the Weaponization of Government Committee is "something akin to McCarthyism in the 50s." | Clips

Texas Senate Debate

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Texas Senate debate between Republican Sen. Ted Cruz and Democratic challenger Rep. Beto O'Rourke in San Antonio. Politico lists this race as 'lean Republican.'
Actor Alec Baldwin says he has a "dream" of hanging President Donald Trump at a ;"trial for sedition' on Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan vetoed a congressional redistricting map Thursday, saying President Joe Biden should sue over the proposal that the state Legislature passed just a day prior.
Joe Biden insisted the second batch of classified documents found in his possession were located in a
Without a job, recipients risk losing their benefits. But states aren't spending much to help them get and stay employed. See how your state's welfare funding is being spent.
Twitter claims a 2014 article on CDC health statistics is an example of 'hateful conduct.'
Dr. Deborah Birx said at the briefing last night that anyone who tested positive for COVID-19, regardless of any other underlying condition, is being counted as a COVID-19 death: Well, Dr. Birx just said it. Anyone in U.S. who dies with Covid 19, regardless of what else may be wrong, is now being recorded as …
Germans who repeatedly refuse to quarantine after being exposed to COVID-19 will be held in detention centers — and even under police guard, according to reports. Officials in the state of Sa…
In normal times, in a normal world, this news might make headlines.But in 2020 during the Big Pharma bonanza pandemic, it’s stuffed at the bottom of the New York Times article. The new Merck drug molnupiravir was approved two weeks… Continue Reading →
WH can't keep the lies straight any more.

Coming Media Discoveries

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Watch closely. Beginning as early as today, but definitely by January 20, 2017, the mainstream media will discover a  host of problems, dangers, failures, troubles, mistakes, and catastrophes that somehow escaped  their attention, or were considered unimportant, during the  last eight years under Obama. For example, When jobs numbers come out, nothing less than 250,000 full-time jobs will be considered ”strong.” A 4.9 percent unemployment rate will be considered almost as  disastrous as  the 4.2  percent rate under Bush in 2006. “Real” unemployment will be adjusted once again by the labor force participation rate and will be found to be 9.5 percent, not 4.9 percent. Crises in the Middle East  will be  attributed to American bellicosity and maladroit U.S. policy. When Iran acquires a nuclear weapon, it will be because of then-current foreign policy failures.  Adding even twelve cents to the current $20 trillion national debt will be “unpatriotic” and a fiscal catastrophe in the making.  The worst race relations in 50 years will have commenced with, and will  be due to, Republican control of the White House and Congress.  Public outrage over health insurance will have commenced with, and will be due to, Republican failure to fix the health care system. Last year. We will learn that 13 million more people than in, oh, 2008, have instantly descended into poverty. Anything less than 3 percent growth in any quarter will be due to abysmal administration failures. The Justice Department will be found to have been horribly politicized. By Republicans. There will be alarm over the derogation of the rule of law. The ranks of racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, and bigots of every stripe will have swelled tenfold.  Actual instances of government incompetence will be uncovered after eight years of astonishing bureaucratic perfection. Welcome back mainstream media. Your eight -year vacation from reality is over.
Here is a 171-page transcript of George Papadopoulos's conversation with an FBI informant.

Trump Tapes Farewell Video

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

President Donald Trump has recorded a video saying farewell to his time in the White House and making way for the "new administration," which will be released on Tuesday, the day before President-elect Joe Biden's...
The former Playboy Bunny Holly Madison spoke out on the 'Power: Hugh Hefner' podcast. Playboy founder Hugh Hefner passed away in 2017 at age 91.
With tens of thousands of people taking to the streets to protest Donald Trump’s presidential election victory, questions are swirling about whether the anger is as organic as advertised.
A new Indiana poll shows GOP U.S. Senate candidate Mike Braun surging to a four-point lead over Democrat incumbent Joe Donnelly in the race for Donnelly’s Senate seat. The poll found Braun leading, 47%-43%.
Global manufacturing consulting firm Kearney says U.S. manufacturers are indeed leaving China. Here's the evidence.
President Biden vowed Wednesday to put his entire “soul” into the job of president of the United States and called for an end to an “uncivil war” of political division so the country can combat a multitude of crises.
A new analysis reveals the extraordinary left-wing bias of website ratings firm NewsGuard, which should concern every American given that it is expanding its reach into cable and broadcast TV news. Liberal outlets were rated 27 points higher on average than news organizations on the right.
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear 94-year-old Geraldine Tyler's case challenging home equity theft.
The Illinois State Police are warning that people who attend church services on Easter Sunday may face charges including “reckless conduct.” The police said that they will not be storming churches that violate the governor’s stay-at-home order, but that charges could come “down the line.” Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s stay-at-home order prohibits all gatherings of ten…
'I was raised that everyone had the right to say what they wanted to, and if someone disagreed with you, then that's the way it is'
Former President Donald Trump launched into an eye-widening tirade this week during an appearance on the Unholy: Two Jews on the News podcast, accusing American Jews of being anti-Israel and complaining Israel no longer controls Congress.