CNN's Brian Stelter suggested that Dan Rather, who has been a guest on Stelter's show several times, could be to blame for Americans losing trust in the media.
Vulnerable Democrats in the House and Senate remain silent on if the border is secure and if they would welcome illegal migrants to their cities.

New Board Game

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Experience the fun! For many, many years to come!
This is really pretty easy but even the easy is very difficult
TEHRAN—In a bid to cut costs and save time, Iran has announced that its 24/7 state propaganda station will be replaced with an MSNBC broadcast.The decision to broadcast MSNBC instead of official state propaganda came after an MSNBC reporter parroted the false claims of the Iranian government after yesterday's rocket attacks."Why spend so much ti …
It will take a miracle now, actually several of them, but President Trump is not ready to throw in the towel. Publicly at least, he’s still full of fight. “This election was stolen,” he says. “It w…
Covid may no longer be the most "significant" threat to health, Dr Jenny Harries has said.
by Jack McEvoy John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s climate envoy who owned five mansions as recently as 2019 and whose family owns a private jet, warned
Politics and political power cannot significantly improve the lives of most black people and may even be impediments.
A spokesman said the agency knew of a recent post on Twitter by Mr. Fonda, an Oscar-nominated actor. Mr. Fonda later apologized: “I went way too far.”
Spiritual self-help author and lecturer Marianne Williamson ended her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination Friday, telling supporters she did not want to "get in the way" of a progressive candidate with a better chance of succeeding.
'When I see them legitimizing this violence, and saying that the heart of the problem is that France is racist and Islamophobic, then I say the founding principles have been lost'

Sink the New World Order Tax!

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

This transnational tax is a giant leap toward globalism, and its defeat should be a priority of libertarians, conservatives, populists, and nationalists alike
The rising incidence of several lifestyle diseases owing to the consumption of high-calorie snacks is augmenting the requirement for healthier alternatives, whin, in turn, is driving the nuts and seeds market.
Nations that have been foolish enough to adopt socialist policies either collapsed or are well on their way to doing so. Why are so many in the U.S. enthralled with the idea?
James Hansen issued dire warnings in the summer of 1988. Today earth is only modestly warmer.
A protester interrupted Sen. Elizabeth Warren's town hall in Dover, New Hampshire, on Friday, accusing her of  "siding with terrorists."
Though comedian Bill Maher is ecstatic over President Trump's apparent loss and welcomes a Biden presidency, he believes that leftward, woke extremism has
None of the elite bound for the grand climate shindig in Glasgow have to worry about unmeetable energy bills
The expanding fast food industry is primarily driving the Europe cheese market. Additionally, the widespread product adoption, owing to its several associated health benefits that help in building strong bones and muscles, is further catalyzing the market growth.
A savage hate crime at the University of Iowa that sent shockwaves across campus turned out to be just another hoax, police said Tuesday. The case of Marcus Owens caused a deluge of outrage when it
DAILY CALLER:California Rep. Maxine Waters burst into tears Monday on MSNBC as she used “the children” to deflect away from the harassment comments she made over the weekend. “I did not call for harm for anybody. The president lied again,” Waters said. She then turned to “the children.” “But let’s not talk about that. Let’s...
With the murderous Iranian regime back in the headlines and the liberal media doing everything they could to make them look like victims of the United States (even after they shot down a passenger plane carrying 176 souls onboard), it’s worth taking a look at recent history and how the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have set up a smokescreen to hide Iran’s diabolical behavior. Here is a look back at NewsBusters reporting of the networks omitting new damaging to Iran.
MSNBC's "Morning Joe" beat rival "Fox & Friends" in the morning cable news ratings for the first time since 2001 last week, AdWeek reported.
A Virginia mother says the DOJ and the School Board Association are enacting communist tactics she experienced living in Maoist China.