As the 2020 presidential campaign season approaches full bloom, Democrats are launching a full push to keep their candidate off the debate stage.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom, in the face of a recall effort against him, announced Monday that the state ...
After the thrilling news of Elon Musk's offer to purchase Twitter, now comes word the usual suspects are "investigating" him.
In a two-on-one debate at FreedomFest 2017, Dinesh D'Souza dominated the stage as he exposed the sordid past of Saul Alinsky and the Democratic Party.
Visit the post for more.
On Friday, July 31, in a column ostensibly dealing with health care “misinformation,” Washington Post media critic Margaret Sullivan opened by lambasting “fringe doctors spouting dangerous...
If he wants calm, the president must convey to Iran and its terrorist proxies that they will get nowhere through targeting innocent civilians.
National Review’s Rich Lowry delves into the history and significance of Memorial Day for Americans.
LOS ANGELES – A federal grand jury today returned a superseding indictment charging Edward Buck with four additional felonies, including that he allegedly enticed victims – including a man who died at his West Hollywood apartment after he administered drugs to him – to travel interstate to engage in prostitution. Buck, 65, a LGBTQ political […]
Let's hope it's an improvement.
The Washington Post responded to criticism of a Taylor Lorenz article ‘exposing’ the creator of the viral Twitter account, Libs of TikTok
As FBI director last year, James Comey began writing drafts of a statement exonerating Hillary Clinton, even before all witnesses in the investigation -- including Clinton herself -- had been intervie
'We must start using # to represent the swastika on memes and social media.'
Black Lives Matter activists around the country are livid after it has become apparent that people are driving their protests on public streets where cars go. “I can’t believe that people would stoop so low as to drive on our perfectly normal protest on a public road where cars go. It’s really a
The University of California won't consider SAT and ACT scores that are submitted with admission and scholarship applications under a settlement of a student lawsuit. 
Why did DARPA claim no DARPA-funded researchers assisted the FBI's or Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of the DNC hack?
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley gave a powerful speech on Monday before an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council regarding the North Korean crisis (best portions in bold):
A crowd of supporters at President Trump's news conference in Bedminster, N.J., on Friday booed when a reporter pointed out that the number of guests gathered together appeared to violate the state's coronavirus restrictions.
Coronavirus infection is already known to damage blood vessels, and vessels that supply blood to the penis appear to be no exception.
The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, told CNN Kasie Hunt on Thursday that if it was unpleasant to
Democrats scored a major victory when President Trump went against his own party on the spending and debt ceiling agreement. Now they're loo...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed Facebook for being a “willing enabler of Russian interference in our election” despite owning shares worth up to $1 million of the social media giant.
Document shows FBI falsely told senators that Steele sub-source backed up his dossier. 'Somebody needs to go to jail for this,' Lindsey Graham says.
In a released statement, Target stated they'll no longer be carrying Pokémon, NFL, MLB, or NBA trading cards due to safety concerns.