House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is meeting with lawmakers Friday to discuss using the 25th amendment against President Trump.
When George Floyd was murdered in May 2020, it set off a firestorm of protests and shed a bright hot spotlight on the issues of racism in America and elsewhere. As a response, many companies gave messages of support to people of color, yet have failed to make substantive change since that time. One…
The idea that the so-called “ethnic vote” in the Conservative leadership contest belonged to Patrick Brown is an example of colonial thinking that ethnic communities need rescuing at the hands of progressive-leaning white men, Leslyn Lewis says.
President Erdogan says his forces are targeting Kurdish militias and creating a "safe zone".
An African American man was violently assaulted by a group of brave Anti-fascists after they mistook him for a white man wearing black face.
RICHMOND, VA - A local 5th-grade class started classes this morning by standing and reciting the pledge of allegiance to Dr. Fauci, as is now the cherished custom. 'Ritual is important for a sense of security and normalcy, and also to ensure these kids swear their undying allegiance to Dr. Fauci, who is the living embodiment of science and our ho ...
New York health officials on Thursday reported a polio case, the first in the U.S. in nearly a decade.

Poll: Bad News For Hillary

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

A new poll is bad news for Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton. The latest CNN poll shows Clinton losing ground to her Republican opponents, Sen. Ted Cruz surging 5 points to a 2-point lead over Clinton (48/46), while Marco Rubio beats Clinton by 3 point (49/46).  Breitbart's John Nolte provides some more details: 
During an interview with syndicated columnist Mona Charen, New Day co-host Alisyn Camerota referred to the conservative conference's speakers Wayne LaPierre, Dana Loesch, and David Clarke as "some of the most extreme voices."
Thousands of protesters outside President Trump’s rally in Minneapolis Thursday night set fire to Make America Great Again hats and other memorabilia in an effort to show their defiance to the current administration for a brief amount of time before police managed to stop the blaze, reports said.
The Democratic nominee reiterated that voters won’t find out where he stands on the issue until after the election.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) lost his cool during a recent interview, complaining that he has been "taking a lot" of heat from the media.
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — As shootings and homicides continue to skyrocket across the city, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler is set to announce a new emergency declaration in an effort to combat the …
There's only one problem with the liberal media blaming anti Islamic bigotry for the Mosque burning: A Muslim Did IT!!!
Organized labor took off the gloves Monday, warning the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court that freeing public employees from mandatory union dues would lead to strikes and union violence. It was ugly.
During Sunday's "State of the Union" on CNN, 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful South Bend, IN Mayor Pete Buttigieg argued that by withdrawing from | Clips
"Businesses are going to be coerced into supporting certain groups to avoid being targeted. It’s tantamount to extortion..."
New York Democrats are poised to strengthen their political power in Washington thanks to new census population data that could give them the ammunition to wipe away Republican congressional seats.
If he was willing to weaponize the feds to please teachers unions, he’s not likely to treat the president’s son as if he were an ordinary suspect or — gasp — a Republican.
Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus just gave presidential contender Donald Trump a huge vote of confidence in a Washington Post retrospective published Sunday about the Republican Party's hectic 2015: I'm not one of these people that think that Donald Trump can't win a general election. I actually think there is a huge crossover appeal there to people that are disengaged politically that he speaks to.... Donald Trump taps into the culture. Some people in politics don't get it, don't understand it, are frustrated by it. It doesn't matter. He does. [The Washington Post] Priebus' remark comes after December rumors that the party establishment would consider a brokered convention for 2016, as outsiders like Donald Trump and Ben Carson remained popular in the polls months after they were expected to fade. In that light, the notion that Trump would be an appealing general election candidate sounds a little off. As Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) put it to the Post: "If I said one of the things [Trump] had said about Hispanics, Muslims, or women, I'd have to go into a witness protection program." Julie Kliegman
Mark Weinberg discusses the relationship presidents have with media, and why Hollywood held a special place in the Reagan presidency.
ABC News let Hunter Biden play the semantic game that he has not "received" money from his company's mega-deal with the Chinese government.
More campaign trail claims from Democratic nominee Joe Biden have been called into question — this time his tales of being “raised” in a black church in Delaware where he was supp…
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghanistan’s embattled president left the country Sunday, joining thousands of his fellow citizens and foreigners in a stampede fleeing the advancing Taliban and signaling the end of a 20-year Western experiment aimed at remaking the country.
Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore’s high-profile progressive prosecutor who was indicted on federal charges, has been defeated in her bid ...