To be eligible for best picture, films must meet the standards of two out of four categories laid out in a press release on Tuesday.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demanded last week that Pope Francis fly to Canada to apologize for the remains of indigenous children that were recently discovered in unmarked graves where the Catholic Church used to run a residential school in Saskatchewan.
Joe Scarborough continues to lie to his viewers about the power of the AR-15. He told his viewers, once again, it's more powerful than weapons used in Vietnam.
In a typical case of Obama hypocrisy, we learn that the US government gave the Kenyan government $53 million to help fund a program called ‘My ID My Life.’
This Rap Sheet is a list of mainstream media elites accused of various forms of sexual misconduct. It will be updated as needed.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), whom many likely forgot was even running for president, tried to stand out at Wednesday night’s CNN presidential debate by talking about “white privilege.” The senator at one point tried to make the case for why she was the perfect candidate by saying that her race allows her to educate “white …
This is the guy trying to call out Trump?
EUGENE, OR—Following Gwen Berry's protest during the Olympic trials national anthem, the US Olympic Committee has awarded the activist athlete a gold medal in reparations for her not winning in her actual event. "We're very sorry for any inconveniences not winning may have caused Miss Berry and w
As the border crisis is the result of the left's policies, our crime wave is a consequence of their anti-punitive goals of criminal justice.
ABC's Brian Ross Issues On-Air 'Clarification' to Correct Report 'Candidate' Trump 'Ordered Him' to Contact Russians
Under Islamic law, women are being held in Iranian custody for "disrespecting compulsory hijab." The Democrats support these barbaric Mullahs. #MeToo
On Wednesday evening a Washington man named Jeffrey Acord called 911 to report a fire on the side of SR-167 near Pallyup, Washington. After calling the police, Mr. Acord then set to live streaming himself to his Facebook Page. The video was later posted to YouTube. During the video you can see the police question…
It’s almost Independence Day, and for many Coloradans, that means a trip to Wyoming to buy illegal fireworks. That is, it’s time to buy fireworks that are illegal in Colorado, but legal in Wyoming. In fact, this fact so well known to everyone that Wyoming officials don’t even try to hide the fact.
A new Quinnipiac University poll shows that support for a federal assault weapons ban has hit an all-time low despite being pushed by prominent Democrats nationwide.
AZ Sheriff Paul Babeu: Drug Cartels With AK-47s Control American Soil 30 Miles from Phoenix
After months of publishing disturbing videos.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden told then-President Barack Obama not to launch a raid to kill Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, who wanted to assassinate Obama because he thought if Biden were president, he would destroy America. While on the campaign trail earlier this year, Biden falsely claimed that he never told Obama “don’t go” […]
Seth Rogen -- who spent over a decade starring in and propping up Hollywood's stoner movie genre with "Knocked U"p (2007), "Pineapple Express" (2008),  "Neighbors" (2014 and it's 2017 sequel), and most recently "Long Shot" (2019) -- accused the U.S. Olympic Committee of racism for suspending runner Sha’Carri Richardson after she tested positive for marijuana.
Currently ranking #2 in the Breitbart Primary, presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz will be personally answering questions from Breitbart readers.
Westerners who believe elaborate conspiracy theories about Vladimir Putin may be secretly jealous of his unchecked power ...
A former FBI official floated a theory on MSNBC that neo-Nazis may be heartened by President Trump’s order to fly the nation’s flags at half-staff through Thursday evening to commemorat…
Alleged Black Lives Matter activists attempted to block the entrance to a hospital in Los Angeles late on Saturday night that two deputies were rushed to after being shot during an apparent assassination attempt. Witnesses later said that the far-left activists, who shouted outside that they hoped the deputies died, attempted to storm the emergency […]
Happy 4th of July! Our benevolent and wise King Joe Biden has mercifully granted us loyal subjects a generous $0.16 savings on our cookout expenses this year. Wow! Thanks Biden! You may be having a hard time deciding where to spend your newfound wealth, but we're here to help!Here are 10 great ways to spend your 16 cents:1) Go ahead and splurge on that ext ...