No matter which clown gets the crown, let him scrap for it.

Spy Name Games | National Review

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

The Obama administration blatantly politicized the government’s intelligence and law-enforcement apparatus.
Hanoi Jane Fonda wants “climate criminals” in the US energy sector tried and hanged like Nazis in Germany. Jane Fonda made the comments in a recent interview with VICE TV. Fonda told VICE, via Greenjihad, that climate change is an existential threat like no other we have faced as a species. She said we should …
A lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania before Election Day claims there were 21,000 deceased people on its voter rolls ahead of the 2020 election, arguing the state violated its own laws by not properly maintaining voter rolls.
The global business jet market exhibited moderate growth during 2015-2020. Looking forward, IMARC Gr
Actress and comedian Tiffany Haddish and fellow comedian Aries Spears are being sued for child sexual abuse.  
A New York City woman, worried that her sore throat might be strep, got swabbed at her doctor’s office. The sample was sent to an out-of-network lab for sophisticated DNA tests ― with a price tag s…
Trump and his deplorables may never accept the result of this election. But, so far, they have not resorted to unDemocratic tactics
Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., questioned if the United States should rethink its diplomatic relationship with Australia given its strict, military-enforced COVID-19 lockdown orders.
Seventeen states follow California’s rigid vehicle emission requirements instead of federal standards, and now they’re considering following California’s ...
A good economy is bad for Democrats, and today brings more good economic news.
Left-wing writer Erik Wemple slammed Rachel Maddow for her irresponsible coverage of the Steele dossier and he did it on the opinion pages of The Washington Post. He laid out a timeline of her hyping the fraudulent dossier for three years to her naive and trusting audience. It was brutal. He found her reporting “misleading …
President Donald Trump has fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and announced an acting secretary to fill the position. ...Chris will do a GREAT job! Mark Esper has been terminated. I
As the president struggles to get his economic plans agreed to by Congress, more bad news about the Biden economy came on Thursday from the Department of Labor via its
Former First Lady Michelle Obama took a subtle dig at former President Trump by talking about her and former President Barack Obama's "peaceful transition of power." "You see, the people that
This month, Stanford University students voted on a campus resolution that would have their college require a course on Western civilization, as it did until the 1980s. Stanford students rejected the proposal 1,992 to 347. A columnist at the Stanford Daily explained why: Teaching Western civilization means “upholding white supremacy, capitalism and colonialism, and all …
The timing of this announcement is, at the very least, significant — it comes days after Donald Trump announced levies on steel and aluminum imports from the European Union.
President Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee detailed evidence Monday they claim reveals election violations in two battleground states, pointing to a federal court filing in Pennsylvania and 131 affidavits taken in Michigan alleging wrongdoing.
Top military leaders on Tuesday confirmed they advised the White House to keep at least 2,500 troops in Afghanistan and to reject an arbitrary timeline for withdrawal, seemingly contradicting President Biden who said that the Pentagon brass was on board with his Aug. 31 exit date regardless of conditions on the ground and amid warning signs of a likely Taliban takeover.
Former advisers and supporters of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton support her decision not to seek the White House again.
“You can call me boner, beaner, jackass, happy to answer to almost anything,” said former Speaker of...
A prominent UK politician is facing criticism this week for comparing the number of abortion victims to the victims of the Holocaust. Jim Wells, a Democratic
Performs even better against Sanders & Warren amongst college educated Americans. Source: Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com A new Zogby poll shows President Trump beating all the potential Demo…
We previously discussed the views of Boston University professor and head of the school’s Center for Antiracist Research Ibfram X. Kendi after his infamous description of Justice Amy Coney Ba…