GENEVA, July 24, 2019 — Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Pakistan were among members of the UN’s 54-nation economic and social council, a principal organ of the world body, who voted to single out and condemn Israel yesterday as the only country in the world that violates women’s rights. The Jewish state was harshly and repeatedly condemned in a resolution, adopted 40 to 2 with 9 abstentions and 3 absent (see breakdown below), for allegedly being the “major obstacle” for Palestinian women “with regard to their advancement, self-reliance, and integration in the development of their society.” Out of 20 items on the UN Economic and Social Council’s 2018-2019 agenda, only one — Item No. 16 against Israel — focuses on condemning a specific country. All the other focus areas concern global topics such as disaster relief assistance and the use of science and technology for development. The resolution completely ignores how Palestinian women’s rights are impacted by their own governing authorities—the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, and Hamas in Gaza—nor does it mention how women are discriminated against within patriarchal Palestinian society. Moreover, ECOSOC concluded its annual session by ignoring the world’s worst abusers of women’s rights, refusing to pass a single resolution on the situation of women in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, or DR Congo, all of which ranked in the top ten worst countries in last year’s Global Gender Gap Report, produced by the World Economic Forum. Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, condemned the delegates’ abuse of the UN body as a forum to target Israel. “The UN reached new heights of absurdity by …
Nameless sourcing has 'a checkered journalistic history,' but its usage is common today.
The Republican-dominated Wisconsin Senate passed a bill that would make the state a "Second Amendment sanctuary."
A bill moving through the California Legislature could allow for new protections for employees working in "ultrahigh" heat.
These days, America faces its most troubling threats, both from the outside and the inside. Between terrorist groups like ISIS vowing daily to attack our citizens and our own government seemingly hellbent on infringing on our civil liberties, the American way of life as we know it is in constant ...
Baltimore’s highest-ever per capita homicide rate in 2017 also made it the deadliest big city in the country, USA Today reported Monday.
t sounds unlikely but the most appalling instance of journalistic malpractice last week was not when The Atlantic published anonymous allegations that President Trump disparaged American troops behind closed doors—it was Joe Biden’s so-called press conference following another shaky, rambling, and dishonest speech disguised as a “campaign event.” Rather than jump at the chance to …
Republicans in Congress continue to attack the FBI, accusing the agency of targeting conservatives. Representative Devin Nunes is the latest to blast the FBI Director Christopher Wray for weaponizing the DOJ and the FBI against Republicans.
The policy is aimed at speeding up the process and taking some work away from the severely backlogged immigration courts.
The former Texas governor has struggled to raise as much money as some of his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination
The First Family will celebrate their first Christmas in the White House with a nod to tradition. Th...
BALTIMORE, MD—According to expert biologists working in Guilder's infamous Fire Swamp, millions of R.O.U.S.es---Rodents of Unusual Size---have begun a "great migration" from the deadly thicket to the scenic, idyllic city of Baltimore."Due to deforestation by Guilder woodsmen and a sharp increase in tourism prompted by the documentary&n …
Unlike Barack Obama in 2009, Donald Trump received a Nobel Peace Prize nod for a real accomplishment.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) launched an initiative to elect conservative veterans and win back Republican majorities in the House and Senate.
Uh oh! You just came across something incriminating about Hillary Clinton! Whatever you do, don't go to the press! They know everything anyway. Trust no one!Oh wait, you already blabbed to Jerry from marketing? Ugh, okay. Better be on your guard.Look for the following signs that Hillary has dispat ...
Senator Rand Paul impersonates Donald Trump during a speech in New Hampshire. Rand Paul started a three-day stay in New Hampshire with an appearance at a Pol...
Theodore Hesburgh, the late President of Notre Dame back when Notre Dame was a Catholic school, famously said: "The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." This may be one of the most important truths anyone has ever uttered about the institution of the fam

Educating Liberals

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Does anybody remember how mad the liberals got over Trump’s p*ssy grabbing comment? They literally put on vagina hats & flooded the streets to protest it. But fast forward 2 years later & now they’re supporting a stripper named Cardi B who brags about drugging & robbing men.
illions of acres of California forest have been blackened by wildfires this summer, leading to the usual angry denunciations from the usual quarters about climate change. But in 1999, the Associated Press reported that forestry experts had long agreed that “clearing undergrowth would save trees,” and that “years of aggressive firefighting have allowed brush to …
Arbitrary, politically motivated enforcement of "justice" is always bad.
This could be a better way to promote gun safety.
Elizabeth Warren might never live down the charge of falsely claiming Native American roots. The controversy emerged during the Democrat’s successful Senate run in Massachusetts in 2012, and it continues to dog her. In the throes of the 2016 presidential race, then-candidate Donald Trump tagged her with the nickname Pocahontas, and he has trotted it out virtually every chance he gets — even at a White House ceremony to recognize Native American soldiers who fought in some of the fiercest battles of World War II. Warren’s central offense dates back to the mid 1980s, when she first formally notified law ...
84 pages of documents revealed that the Obama State Department was central to advancing the Russian collusion hoax prior to the 2016 presidential election.
Has "where's Kamala?" replaced "where's Hunter?" The vice president was supposed to visit the southern border, which is in chaos. It took her over 90 days to do so, and
White House COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci provided more details about when he might retire, saying it will likely ...