Revolver News can prove that the FBI is in possession of unreleased security camera footage of a suspect placing a pipe bomb on January 5th.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Donald Trump promises his voters that he’s going to provide them with the best and most of everything. America’s going to be great again. We’re all going to get rich. The jobs are going to come back. We’ll have the biggest, classiest wall. We’re going to cut such great deals together your head will spin. If you ask for | Read More »
Ethics Complaint Filed Against Adam Schiff Today
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin has been suspended by The New Yorker after exposing himself on a Zoom call, according to
The situation in Afghanistan is so catastrophic, with so many dire and far-reaching ramifications, that it will take this entire newsletter to lay it all out.
While the Biden administration has used the general idea of “prosecutorial discretion” to allow millions of illegal aliens to cross our southern border with only the nominal need to report to a court years later, it has, in one notable case involving a Chinese national involved in a massive Ponzi scheme, jailed the suspect on the grounds that he left a line on a visa application blank.
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach has endorsed billionaire businessman Donald Trump for president, citing his tough stance on illegal immigration, according to a Monday press release. "I am pleased to announce my support Mr. Trump," Kobach wrote in the release, issued from his official social media feeds.
This weekend’s marches make it clear: To enact real gun control, we need to change the Constitution.
If anything, the House’s impeachment inquiry vote solidified President Trump’s hold on power. There were zero GOP defections, meaning we have zero drama heading into the public phase of impeachment. Everyone is pretty much still in the same lanes they’ve been in since the Russian collusion investigation, the obstruction of justice investigation and every other investigation.
The Trump campaign is calling on Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to explain her decision to appear on NBC's "Meet the Press" with "8645" bubble digits strategically placed behind her on a table. According to Trump surrogates, the display was a dog-whistle to radicals in an effort to cause the president great harm.
President Biden said at Thursday’s press conference on the fatal day in Afghanistan that he had been told by others what reporters to let question him.
Report: Illegals Rushing to Get into U.S. Before Trump Wall
Brittany Zamora, a middle school teacher in Arizona, has been arrested for sexually assaulting her 13-year-old student.
What’s wrong with these people? In October the Washington Post eulogized the evil and barbaric Islamic State leader today calling him an “austere religious leader.” Via Jack Posobiec On Monday the Washington Post followed up their outrageous homage to al-Baghdadi  with a report on how al-Baghdadi died a courageous man by blowing himself up rather …
The blue state-red state divide couldn't be clearer
A new pre-print Israeli study has found that people with natural immunity to COVID-19 could be 13 times less likely to contract the respiratory virus than
Appearing on Fox News Monday night, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody called the Mar-a-Lago raid "unprecedented" and stated the FBI's case "better be

Ben Shapiro: Donald Trump Is A Liar

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro takes on the myth that Donald Trump is a truth-teller.

Democrats and Their Human Shields

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Democrats and Their Human Shields - Derek Hunter: Amid the calls from liberals for an “honest discussion” and .04/01/2018 8:58:43AM EST.
Russia and Iran are attempting to influence the 2020 elections and have obtained some voter registration information, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said at an FBI press conference on Wednesday.
The titanium butoxide production cost analysis report covering supply chain analysis, primary process flow, raw material requirements, operating cost, capital Investment, industry trends and revenue statistics, manufacturing process, reactions involved, and operating and capital costs.
Republican leaders on Sunday grappled with the prospect that the best hope for stopping Donald Trump's march to the nomination may be Ted Cruz - the only candidate who causes as much heartburn among party elites as the billionaire businessman, if not more.
Veterans Day is an annual reminder of what we have to be grateful for every day – that America is blessed with unprecedented safety and security at home because of the hard-fought sacrifice of so many men and women who’ve worn a military uniform.