CNN and MSNBC decide their viewers don't really need to hear what President Trump and his coronavirus task force have to say.
Massachusetts is going to needlessly burn through a lot of money soon. Back in February, President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan into law. Part of that stimulus package gave money to states, including states like Massachusetts that have a surplus of money.  About $8.7 billion in American Rescue Plan funding went...
Newly elected Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) praised Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and former President Donald Trump for helping him secure the speaker's gavel in the early hours of Saturday morning.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has decided that it is ay to walk into a person’s home and demand that fingers are taken in order to open up their own private phones via finger recognition, the Daily Herald reported. The Daily Herald found the news report by Forbes, of this unprecedented case of over-stepping authority
The far left teacher who smeared top Trump official and speechwriter Stephen Miller for allegedly “eating glue” was suspended. Nikki Fiske is a registered Democrat who supports liberal causes. She was placed on “home assignment” after the release of personal information. The LA Times reported: A teacher who recounted how a senior aide to President …
As the coronavirus crisis deepens, the media continue to sink lower in their vile attacks on Donald Trump and conservatives. Liberal journalists like NBC Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd have questioned if “there is blood on the President’s hands?” New Yorker editor David Remnick charged Trump’s “narcissism” and “lack of empathy” has “led to disaster.” The following are the most recent examples of journalists displaying their rage against Trump and conservatives during the coronavirus crisis.
The lender reiterated that face masks are mandatory in all branches, unless legally exempt, warning customers that non-compliance could result in accounts being closed
ATLANTA, GA - After revelations that every single anchor and producer who works at CNN is a creepy pervert, the HR department of the Cable News Network is considering adding a section to all employment applications which would require applicants to disclose whether or not they are a creepy perv. 'Oh my gosh! Where did all these creepy p ...
A group of Republican mega-donors is throwing their support behind civil rights attorney Harmeet Dhillon for Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee.
A federal judge has rebuked the Obama administration over the lack of Syrian Christians being admitted from the war-zone, calling it a perplexing discrepancy that only 56 of 11,000 Syrian refugees to the U.S. in fiscal 2016 were Christian.
After nearly two years in confinement in Turkey, American pastor Andrew Brunson joined President Trump in the Oval Office Saturday and, in a powerful moment, kneeled in prayer for him and the country.​
The moral lesson that I have taken from reading the Bible is that God’s sense of justice, fitness, and proportionality is at odds with my own, but He still gets to be God.
The National Rifle Association of America files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Texas on Friday, court papers show, Bloomberg News reports. The NRA listed assets and liabilities of as much as $500 million each, according to its bankruptcy petition. The group intends to...
Democrats are alienating an important constituency with its anti-crypto rhetoric, ceding the crypto vote to Republicans.
Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has renewed her bid to impeach President Joe Biden following the discovery of classified documents in Biden’s former office at a prestigious Washington think tank. “This is a very serious situation. Vice presidents cannot declassify documents. And the fact that…
Minnesota is actively involved in preparing for this year's election on Nov. 8. With record breaking numbers, voters are ready to cast their ballots on two presidential candidates — Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Alongside federal nominations, Goodhue County also opened early voting for state and...
America is a country obsessed with crime and criminals. Films about murderers and serial killers have captivated our country for decades, from the Friday the 13th series to Psycho. October is a big month for horror films, and the most terrifying horror film of the century was released theaters across America last week. You won’t ?
Approval of U.S. leaders' and institutions' response to the coronavirus situation ranges from a low of 44% for the news media to a high of 88% for U.S. hospitals.
Joe “No Malarky” Biden is not off to a good start.
Two missing after cargo ships collide south of Sweden
Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) wants you not to forget about him as he continues to prop himself up as a potential candidate for president.
Doug Band, the former top aid to Bill Clinton who helped found the Clinton Global Initiative, accused Chelsea Clinton of illegal activities by using foundation money to pay for her wedding and gettin
Another day, another piece of evidence of how leftist and unhinged Arizona Democratic senatorial candidate Kyrsten Sinema has been in her political career. This time, it’s an email involving a protest against President George W. Bush in 2002.
The country’s top infectious disease expert said China’s wet markets should be closed as so many diseases, like COVID-19 caused by coronavirus, have emanated from such operations.
China said it "has already decided" to sanction some U.S. officials over involvement in Taiwan issues, as the Trump administration prepares to hand over to President-elect Joe Biden. "Based on the wrongful actions of the U.S. side, China has already decided to impose...