Seeing how well this strategy worked out for progressives in 2016, I’m sure it will work even better this time around.
With few exceptions, the radical Left has taken American academia by storm. In line with the notion that people claiming an LGBTQ+ identity are oppressed
The price of diesel hit an all-time high in the United States this week as energy markets around the world cope with ongoing disruptions amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
A new congressional study suggests that the massive increases in immigration in recent decades have hammered middle-class wages.
The Biden administration has long avoided a serious probe into COVID-19’s origins. Is it possible that was all because of former President Trump?
PolitiFact often looks like it's playing word games rather than checking facts. On Monday, Bill McCarthy tagged Fox News star Sean Hannity as "False," but this is how they very selectively quoted a fragment of one sentence:
As we have been telling you, every excuse in the book is being used by some Americans to justify the violence in Baltimore. Let's start with what ignited the rioting. Twenty-five-year-old Freddie Gray died in police custody of severe spinal injuries. On Monday, Mr. Gray was buried and shortly after that the rioting began. Today there is a report in the Washington Post that says Mr. Gray may have inflicted some of his own injuries ... that a police document says after he was taken into custody and put into the back of a van, he was banging his body into the framework. Again, the Washington Post reported that. But Fox News Medical Analyst Dr. Marc Siegel says this: MARC SIEGEL, FOX NEWS MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: "You could sustain a brain injury and you can get a head injury that way, you could even get a neck injury, but let me be clear, there's no way that you could sever your spine by bashing your head against a wall or the side of a car or anything like that. That is not going to end up being the cause of the severed spine in this case." The truth is we don't know what happened to Mr. Gray, the same way we did not initially know what happened in the Ferguson, Missouri confrontation. It's fine to report about possible evidence; irresponsible to speculate about it. It is also irresponsible to make insane statements, trying to justify vigilante violence. And that's what we've been hearing all week. The litany of excuse-making is excruciating. The rioters are angry because America is a country of mass incarceration. People who burn down buildings and loot are just misdirected folks who feel hopeless. And if you feel hopeless, it's okay to riot. You see, it's not really the fault of those who commit crimes, it's the fault of America because we don't provide jobs for everyone. Instead of pinpointing the problem and then trying to solve it, you get insane theories that attempt to provide justification for Americans hurting other Americans. If you can't make big money, go ahead and sell heroin. No problem. Here's the truth: How can anyone provide a job that pays a decent salary to somebody who can barely read or write? To somebody who cannot speak English? To somebody who has tattoos all over their body, who is defiant, who is disrespectful and who doesn't even want to work because they have a sense of entitlement that says they are victims, "You owe me." Does that sound like a good job-seeking resume? And don't tell me those folks don't exist. They are legion. So these politicians out on the street trying to justify riots by saying we don't provide jobs are dishonest in the extreme. If you get educated and are willing to work hard, you can get a job. It may not be well paying at first, but you work your way up. Okay, now let's take look at how foolish things have gotten this week. Listen to this MSNBC host: ALEX WAGNER, MSNBC HOST: "Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is a black woman. Barack Obama is half-black, half-white, but is identified as a black president and they're using the word thug. Now, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has since apologized, but the president seems, if we're to believe the White House press secretary, defiantly sort of doubling down on this is how I describe looters and people who perpetrate violence." So that woman is hammering president Obama for describing people who loot and burn down buildings as thugs. She objects to that, so she mentions the president's race. Dismal. Here's another one. BRITTNEY COOPER, SALON CONTRIBUTOR: "No one is calling the police who put this kid in a van and snapped his spine and crushed his voice box 'thugs' -- right? They're only applying it to acts of violence against property -- right? Acts of -- and sure, acts of harassment, sure -- acts of anger. But when are we going to have the language to talk about the systemic violence that white folks do in the name of anti-blackness and white supremacy in this country? We don't have a language for that." Wrong. We do have a word for that kind of analysis -- stupid. According to reporting by the New York Times, here in New York City 91 people were shot dead by police in 1971. In 2013 (last stats available) the number was eight, a record low. In Los Angeles, force by police making arrests down 17%. Just 84 suspects were apprehended by force out of 149,000 arrests. So this brutal cops accusation is a provable lie. Want more truth? This is not a country that promotes white supremacy. Bigoted people are everywhere and they come in all colors. But there is no systemic effort to keep down black people in America. To perpetuate this kind of vicious propaganda is atrocious. Finally, you want a little justification for crime? Listen to this: KENNETH JACKSON, BALTIMORE RESIDENT: "A good example was that check cashing place that was looted. That is a store that actually preyed on this community, charging high rates in order to cash checks and so forth. Traditionally a lot of these residents aren't able to obtain accounts at a traditional bank. So it is a lot more deeper." So because the check cashing place makes money off poor folks it deserves to be burnt down? So now the neighborhood doesn't have a check cashing place. Summing up, this has been a bad week in America made worse by dishonest politicians, foolish pundits, and hateful morons.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York claimed on MSNBC Monday morning that he was an "immigrant," despite being born in the United States. Host Stephanie Ruhle asked Cumo if, "New York [is] prepared for th
Rhuan Maycon – God rest his soul. A lesbian mother and her lover confessed to killing the woman’s 9-year-old son. The couple ripped off the child’s penis, gouged out his eyes, beheaded him and removed his skin. Rhuan Maycon, de 9 años, fue asesinado el 31/5 por su madre, Rosana da Silva Candido, y su …
View the comic strip for Michael Ramirez by cartoonist Michael Ramirez created August 16, 2020 available on GoComics.com
Yeah dude, some reporter from The New York Times actually tweeted this out:
The trial of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann will take place soon, and on Wednesday, special counsel John Durham scored a huge pre-trial victory....

Patent Reform Makes a Comeback

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Innovation over litigation

Gold Star Moms v NFL Kneelers

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

The NFL’s offensive fake “knee” farce is an affront to American Patriots and our Founding Principles.
The election, limited to full-time employees, began June 12 and ended June 14.
Retired CIA officer Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 67, was arrested Friday and charged with selling U.S. intelligence secrets to Chinese agents.
House Republicans on Friday launched an investigation into a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to EcoHealth Alliance, which the lawmakers say used taxpayer funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to study how coronaviruses could be transmitted to humans, according to a new report.
"Things have changed. We've gotta bring it back."
Shake it off? Or shake down?
“Know what I was most proud of?” former Vice President Joe Biden said last week during a campaign event. “For eight years, there wasn’t one single hint of a scandal or a lie.”
A Democratic National Convention speech by an Arizona woman who blamed President Trump for her father's death from coronavirus was an "obscene spectacle," not the "powerful" statement members of the mainstream media made it out to be, commentary writer Becket Adams wrote Tuesday in the Washington Examiner.
The New York Knicks announced that for the second round of the playoffs they won't sell tickets to those not vaccinated for the coronavirus.
Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, the top Republican in the Senate, said a national abortion ban is “possible” if the Supreme Court strikes down Roe v. Wade​.
The former Florida governor still struggles with how to handle — and differentiate himself from — his brother’s legacy.