I know we've established plenty that the women of The View aren't very good legal analysts, philosophers, experts, or thinkers, but this right here is another next-level moment from Whoopi Goldberg.
He called the latest installment "awesome."
There’s good news and bad news when it comes to military readiness and preparedness.
Volunteers with the Kurdish group have warned of an exodus to other militias over the group's left-wing views
WASHINGTON, D.C.—There’s a new decoration in the White House: a stuffed coronavirus hanging on the wall above a fireplace. This was put up at President Donald Trump’s request after he defeated the virus himself.“Biggest, most deadly virus ever,” Trump told reporters. “And I killed it. Because I’m strong and I don&rsquo …
Taiwan however opposes Chinese reunification and rule from Beijing. President Xi Jinping in China has expressed his aims to annex the island by suggesting there is “no room for any form of Taiwan i…
WASHINGTON, D.C. — After hearing about Alex Stein's public applauding of Hispanic hindquarters, Senator Ted Cruz walked back and forth in front of him today, hoping to score a compliment on his own butt.
Hillary Clinton presumably didn’t have to work too hard to get the ABC News Democratic debate audience in New Hampshire behind her.
Gov. Rick Scott is pushing firearm confiscation orders and stands opposed to the suggestion that teachers should be armed for school safety.
Corporate tax revenues are up 12% this year. Tell us again how the Trump tax cuts were a giveaway to fat cat corporations.
The prominently-displayed “Wilmington for Trump 2020” billboard in downtown Wilmington was vandalized overnight.
Shuttering businesses, keeping children out of schools, and devastating economies with stringent lockdown measures is not the answer.
Energy independence and the robust energy economy were no anomaly, but being the bearer of bad news is frustrating
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“These players are heroes to many young black boys. Sadly, now they see their heroes disrespecting the flag and our country. It’s a terrible message to send.”
'Come on, man!'

Why Don’t They Believe Us?

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

You’re struggling to understand where all this vaccine hesitancy comes from. Let me help you.
Bothsidesism — also referred to as false balance reporting — can damage the public’s ability to distinguish fact from fiction and lead audiences to doubt the scientific consensus on pressing societal challenges like climate change, a new Northwestern University study has found.
KENSINGTON, Md. (WJLA) - A female human trafficking victim too young to legally drive a car or buy a lottery ticket was savagely beaten with a bat by a pack of incensed MS-13 members, Montgomery County Police say.Late last month, Ivan Alexis Pena-Rodriguez
A federal judge last week struck down a Tampa, Fla., ordinance that prohibited conversion therapy for minors with unwanted same-sex desires, ruling it conflicts with state law and parental rights.
Mike Pence told Breitbart News that the economic comeback in the United States after the coronavirus pandemic is a “V-Shaped recovery.”
Support in Wisconsin's State Assembly for decertifying President Joe Biden's 2020 win in the state is growing more than 20 months after the contest.
Congress should suspend the president's invitation to deliver his State of the Union address from the House chamber until they get answers about his administration spying on members of Congress and American Jewish organizations.