Democrats fail to understand that evil people will do whatever they can to commit harm - no matter the tool. Instead, they're trying to disarm us all.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.
Parents Take Legal Aim In response to the growing threat of schools with the implementation of Critical Race Theory, some parents are taking legal action. Howev
Anti-gunners in Pelosi’s House have a new plan to ram through gun control provisions before they officially retire or lose their seats in January. Allow me to explain… The House is about to vote on a Continuing Resolution bill to fund the government, which will likely expire in December. At that point, Congress will be in a lame duck session, … Read more
UK officials are considering whether to copy a Dutch prison that separates terrorist offenders from other prisoners, as Chris Vallance reports.
The retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy has cranked-up DC political hysteria to 11. When we have grown adults weeping in their offices over the retirement of a judge, it is perhaps high time to question whether any group of nine individuals should ever have so much power over the political landscape. Ryan McMaken was making this very case in the aftermath of Antonin Scalia’s passing:
Elizabeth Warren accused Bernie Sanders of calling her a “liar on national TV” in a heated exchange caught on camera after the debate ended, according to...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will have a fascinating political choice to make now that Joe Biden is all but certain to take office as the 46th president early next year, Laura Ingraham told viewers Wednesday.
Viroqua's police chief said Friday that after community discussion, the department is removing a controversial symbol from its squad car.
If only the damages had to be paid by the responsible officials.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Over at the Daily Signal, Oklahoma Senator James Lankford has a great op-ed about how Barack Obama took $500M that could have been used to fight the real problem of Zika and diverted it to fight the fake problem of climate change. Granted, that amount of money is kind of a drop in the bucket in the federal budget, | Read More »
  Remember when left-wing students at the University of Missouri threw a massive temper tantrum on campus? Remember how the #BlackLivesMatter mobs were egged on by radical faculty members like…
Organizers of a Virginia gun rally urged thousands of people to attend Monday
U.S.—An American firearms manufacturer is making waves after unveiling a brand new AR-15 that glows blue whenever libs are nearby. Constructed with ancient elven technology from the forgotten land of Gondolin, this semi-automatic rifle will pulse with an ethereal blue light whenever it detects a democrat within a 100-yard radius." …

China’s pill that kills

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Calling China America’s antagonist doesn’t do its conduct justice. Antagonists annoy, but China kills, and not only with its careless spread of COVID-19, which has claimed more than 720,000 American lives.
On MSNBC's "The Cross Connection," Democratic pollster Fernand Amandi claimed that people of color may never get a free election again if the GOP wins in November.
Content from The Daily Caller via juling’s room at MyWebRoom!
Wary of provocation, Beijing reversed a plan to impose trade tariffs before the U.S., saying it “won’t fire the first shot” and that it is prepared to assess the levies at the same time as the U.S.
.01/20/2020 14:56:41PM EST.
PIERRE, SD—In a surprise upset, South Dakota has been named America's best holiday destination. With many lovely tourist destinations across the country being locked down due to COVID, South Dakota came from behind to beat out the other 49 states for the top honor. "If you want to do really fun holiday things like eating at a …
Thomas Catenacci  Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin denied that a carbon tax was on the table Tuesday after lawmakers reportedly resurrected the
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will update the media and public on Hurricane Ian and the state's readiness ahead of the storm. Gov. DeSantis will is
Iranian ships harassed U.S. vessels dozens of times during the last years of the Obama administration. That has largely stopped under Trump, according to Fox News.
The Puritans' love of faith, freedom, and self-government that gave birth to America was the same spirit that gradually helped overcome racial injustice.