Observers have long warned of rising forced labor in Xinjiang. Satellite images show factories built just steps away from cell blocks.
Before you mix your favorite holiday cocktail, you may have to settle for a few alternatives.
The Biden administration’s prescriptions for containing China are largely inadequate because they are stuck in a liberal internationalist mindset that no longer fits the realities of our realist world order.
She was supposed to campaign in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday formally postponed a vote on Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination, canceling a meeting set for late
The lawsuit alleges Twitter defamed the computer owner to justify its censorship of The New York Post’s story on Hunter Biden selling access to his father.
An article written by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) in 1992 while he attended Stanford University has reemerged as he calls for delaying the confirmation vote of Judge Brett Kavanaugh after a woman made a sexual misconduct allegation against him from over 35 years ago.
Prior to my February 26 U.S. Army War College talk, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (“CAIR”), Islamist activist Linda Sarsour, and their leftist allies began another round of press releases and petitions, referring to me as an “infamous Islamophobe” and urging the War College to cancel ...
A spokesperson for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Wednesday that the leader of the House Democrats plans to seat Congresswoman-elect Mariannette Miller Meeks (R-IA) on a provisional basis.
A new coronavirus variant detected in South Africa appears to be rapidly mutating and spreading among younger patients, officials announced on Thursday.
The revelation comes weeks after the paramilitary group's founder, Stewart Rhodes, was convicted of seditious conspiracy over the January 6 riot.
In every one of the world’s energy markets, it’s cheaper to invest in renewables than coal.
At least 140 Republican members of the House and more than a dozen Republican Senators have announced they will object to the Electoral Vote Count on January 6th, 2020. The Electoral Count Act of 1887 allows challenges to the Electoral Count if one member of the House and one member of the Senate submit written objecti
  A former Afghan interpreter resettled in California by the federal government was shot and killed last week after charging San Francisco police with a butcher knife and chanting “Allahu Akba…
No sooner did Donald Trump suggest using stop-and-frisk to fight black-on-black crime than critics pounced — and exposed their own ignorance, bias and hypocrisy in the process. “I would do stop-and…
This week a Twitter user unfurled an epic thread explaining why men are responsible for unintended pregnancies. It clearly articulates the reasoning supporting her argument and you don't need a Gender Studies degree to understand it....
Free-market principles in Washington have run smack into the election-year coronavirus pandemic.
The Wisconsin attorney for representing Waukesha parade suspect Darrell Brooks Jr. in his Milwaukee County legal troubles has moved to withdraw from those cases due to new conflicts that arose when his client allegedly plowed through a Christmas procession, killing at least six people and injuring dozens.
Another round of Twitter Files has dropped, and this one comes courtesy of Matt Taibbi (who the Washington Post laughably dubbed a “conservative
Ordinary Americans will be able to submit—and vote on—questions to be considered when the candidates meet again.