We’re FINALLY beginning to emerge out from under the government-imposed, titanically stupid China Virus FREAK OUT!!!
Skaters arriving at Central Park’s two ice rinks are in for a cold awakening next week — the rinks, which are both managed by the Trump Organization, are being shuttered by City Hall to punish the …
On this day in 1996, Civil Rights icon Barbara Jordan died before her pro-American immigration agenda was set to advance through Congress.
Florida state Sen. Blaise Ingoglia details his plan to reduce term limits for local school board members and county commissioners across the Sunshine State.
Bre Payton wrote for The Federalist and appeared on major TV networks such as Fox and the BBC.
Democratic 2020 hopeful Joe Biden managed to successfully avoid being drafted in the Vietnam war because of an alleged "asthma" condition.
Records suggest that bacterial pneumonia along with influenza killed most victims and indicate that governments ought to stock up on antibiotics
The U.S. has a long way to go before our economy fully recovers from the damage inflicted by the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In all, we’re still roughly 3.6 million jobs short of our pre-pandemic employment levels at the national level. But the state of the recovery varies quite a bit at the […]
Dumb and dumber in America's education system.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich questioned the strategy behind incoming Sen. Mitt Romney's scathing op-ed criticizing President Trump's leadership.
Some so-called 'witchdoctors' and 'traditional' healers continue to torture and kill children in a number of countries.
Witnesses testified they did not expect the Capitol to be attacked, directly contradicting what Democrats told the Senate impeachment trial.
Last year was a good year for state-level sound money legislation across the United States. 2022 could be even better.
Republican 2024 presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has called for the federal government to step back and allow the collapsed Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) to "fully fail."
A Wisconsin congressman announced legislation Friday to allow Americans to donate money to the government earmarked specifically to build President Trump’s wall.
Twisting themselves into knots over DeSantis's inconvenient truths.
Who wants to tell him about Kamala Harris?
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich became the latest figure on the left to viciously attack Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., over her filibuster stance, suggesting Senate Democrats should assault her.
Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) called …
President Trump will travel Thursday to meet with federal agents on the southern border amid the government shutdown prompted by his demand for border-wall funding.
I’m starting to get suspicious that the NYT wants Joe Biden to win."
In June 2019, Susan Gordon stood on a stage at the Washington Convention Center. Behind her loomed three giant letters, “AWS,” the abbreviation for Amazon Web
Missouri’s Attorney General filed lawsuits against 36 school districts that he claims are “unlawfully” enforcing mask mandates on faculty, staff, and students.
Former VP Mike Pence, widely assumed to be running for president in 2024, threw some stronger-than-usual shots Trump's way at the annual Spring dinner of the Gridiron Club, where he implied to the group of inside-the-Beltway journalists and Biden administration members in attendance that The Donald was a fake Christian.
What’s for breakfast? Jon Karl. President Trump Chews Up Jon Karl and Spits Him Out President Trump welcomed reporters into the Oval Office on Wednesday morning following his address to the nation. During the questions ABC’s Jon Karl thought he would tell tell the president how to do his job. Jon Karl: So why not …