A Pittsburgh coffee shop is brewing up backlash over a loyalty punch card featuring pictures of President Donald Trump and other conservatives.
FOX News' Megyn Kelly opened Thursday night's broadcast of her show with a monologue asking why President Obama and the White House won't give Katie Steinle, the woman killed by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco, the same attention it gave to cases involving Freddie Brown, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. MEGYN KELLY: Breaking tonight, the young woman gunned down by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco was just laid to rest, surrounded by friends and family. It does not appear at this hour that anyone from the Obama administration was in attendance. Welcome to The Kelly File, I'm Megyn Kelly. Funeral services were held this evening for 32-year-old Kathryn "Katie" Steinle. Her loved ones remembering her as an avid traveller who loved connecting with people until her life was cut short a week ago. That's when Kate was shot and killed while in her father's arms. Police say by this man, Francisco Sanchez, an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times from this country and had rapped up a string of felonies while in the U.S. The San Francisco sheriff had Sanchez in custody as recently as April but released him pursuant to San Francisco's "sanctuary city" policy where they have rules against handing over anyone to the feds who might be deported. This sheriff, himself a convicted criminal, says he stands by the city's policy. Kate's murder has since exploded into a national debate on illegal immigrants, sanctuary cities and crime. With the White House ducking the issue of its own acquiescence in these cities' decision to flout the federal immigration laws which were duly enacted. When asked repeatedly this week to speak to this case, White House spokesman Josh Earnest declined to weigh in other than to refer folks to the Department of Homeland Security. A stark contrast to what we saw after Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson. A man we know was attacking a police officer at the time of his death. His funeral saw three Obama officials in attendance, his death drew comments from President Obama personally and his administration also sent in the DOJ and 40 FBI agents dispatched to Missouri after Michael Brown was killed. Where is the swarm of agents in San Francisco? Then there was Freddie Gray in Baltimore, a repeat drug offender who was killed in police custody. Here again his funeral was attended by three Obama administration officials and again the President spoke personally to Freddie Gray's death. And again sent the DOJ in to investigate. When Trayvon Martin was killed in Florida, the president spoke to his death which was later ruled to be in self-defense. But Katie Steinle, nothing. No comments, no swarm of FBI agents, no DOJ investigation, nothing. Why?
Since Hillary's making a big announcement today...we thought we'd give everyone a chance to see the real Hillary. This is a side of Hillary that we've all heard about, but is rarely captured on film. Don't look now Hillary, but your arrogance is showing. Hillary's war on women... #hillary
The New Yorker’s Gabriel Sherman took a deep-dive into the ongoing shipwreck that is NBC News. The most fascinating tidbit had nothing to do with the House of Cards-style machinations embroiling the Peacock Network. Buried under more than a dozen
A rape survivor made a compelling case in favor of reforming Maryland’s “may issue” concealed carry laws during a Senate committee hearing last week, explaining to lawmakers why women need to be able to defend themselves. “I need you to know this is so incredibly difficult...
The man shouted anti-Hillary Clinton comments at fellow passengers on a flight from Atlanta this month, the airline said.
Mike Barnicle: proud member of the Barack Obama "terrible deeds in the name of Christ" school of moral blindness . . .  Joe Scarborough opened today's Morning Joe with a protracted and impassioned plea for America—and in particular President Obama—to call out radical Islam by name. Mika Brzezinski was dubious, citing unspecified "difficult times" in the past when presidents used the wrong language. But taking Mika's misgivings a giant step further, Mike Barnicle flatly declared that we can't call radical Islam by name because "we're the Crusaders."
Given his prior gun and drug arrests, one would think that rapper Lil' Wayne would have provided the crowd at Scottrade Center with all the...
Sanders and Cruz have differing, if not opposite, stances on the Affordable Care Act. They'll take their disagreements on air on CNN Tuesday night.
The idea that human beings are non-bodily persons inhabiting non-personal bodies never quite goes . . . .
Whether by coincidence or cosmic irony, this just happened to be the week where actresses flash their feminist street creds by bashing Disney princesses.
When asked about new firearms legislation at an event in Saskatoon, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said there are too many restrictions on gun ownership, which he added is important for the livelihoods of rural people, recreation and personal safety.
The evidence strongly suggests that a supremacist worldview, Islamic or otherwise, is a solid predictor of Lone Wolf terrorism. Muslims should support the FBI in rooting out supremacists in their community.
In France, the land of liberty, equlity and fraternity, to say a bad word about Islam means a hefty fine and court appearance - and no one who dares to defend you.
In what may be the most racist and offensive spot aired in the recent past by the Left, MTV released a spot on Twitter titled “White Guy Resolution 2017,” tweeting above the video, “Hey, white guys: we came up for some New Year's Resolutions for you.” The spot is racist, patronizing, insulting, obnoxious and beyond stupid. Below is the dialogue, with parenthetical comments added. Wimpy White Guy: Hey, fellow white guys! Non-Caucasian Guy: It’s about to be a new year.
Dinesh D'Souza (author and filmmaker) joins Dave Rubin to discuss his new book and film "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party," as w...
MRC president Brent Bozell issued a statement Wednesday night criticizing the overall tilt and tone of the CNBC Republican debate in Boulder:  "The CNBC debate will go down in history as an encyclopedic example of liberal media bias on stage. The audience roared its disdain for these so-called 'journalists,' and all of America heard it."
Conversations are the mine fields in America’s politics. A candidate, even a well-meaning Democrat, opens his mouth at his own risk. He might think he knows words and what they mean, but what he doesn’t know is that everyone gets to play Humpty-Dumpty with Alice in Wonderland.
The scale of Sen. Harry Reid’s injuries—a damaged, perhaps destroyed, right eye, a broken bone above the left eye, a battered right jaw sporting a large black and blue and purple bruise, and several broken ribs—were far beyond the scale of any injuries that could arise from merely having the end of a resistance band snap back.
As usual CNN's Brian Stelter tried to be a twitter tough guy by attacking Kimberly Guilfoyle... Instead Greg Gutfeld Made Jelly-Belly Regret That Decision.
CNN anchor Jake Tapper slammed the silence from "progressives" that refused to condemn the Women's March tweeting out support of a cop killer Tuesday. The Women's March honored cop-killer Assata