Joe biden continued his assault on the integrity of the U.S. president during the first presidential debate Tuesday spreading falsehoods about the presidents reaponse to covid as well as white suprema...
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday that he will be requiring state employees to take the coronavirus vaccine and said he has “always chosen” to do the “right thing” rather than the “political thing.”
Elon Musk is terminating the agreement to by buy Twitter, alleging that the social media giant made "false and misleading representations."
A House bill on screening Syrian refugees has little to do with fighting global terror.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—According to sources within the Senate, Democratic legislators took a short break from their tireless schedule of lecturing the nation about compassion Monday in order to vote against a ban on the barbaric practice of ripping helpless 20-week-old babies limb from limb and pulling them from the wombs of their mothers. The Democratic Caucus ?
Why will the business environment of the 2020s be more volatile and economic swings more extreme?  By the end of the 2020s, automation may eliminate 20% to 25% of current jobs, hitting middle- to low-income workers the hardest. As investments peak and then decline—probably around the end of the 2020s to the start of the 2030s—anemic demand growth is likely to constrain economic expansion, and global interest rates may again test zero percent.  Faced with market imbalances and growth-stifling levels of inequality, many societies may reset the government's role in the marketplace. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/fernikolic
WILMINGTON, DE—A shaken and dazed Joe Biden told reporters today about a terrifying encounter he had just experienced. Biden had emerged from his basement to get a few groceries, and on his way back he was ambushed in an alleyway by President Trump.“No Chris Wallace to save you now!” Trump reportedly yelled, and then proceeded to engage in a …
Scholar and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali blasted NPR and the media at large for their trend toward activist journalism in an interview with Fox News Thursday, calling it "nonsense."
Abortion advocates in the media and on social media have unleashed a barrage of myths about pro-life laws since Roe v. Wade was reversed on June 24. The misinformation is creating a wave of fear across the nation, as compassionate Americans now fear women will die and children will be born into abuse and neglect if abortion is not legal and on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy.
A new poll shows that a majority of Americans disapprove of President Obama’s plans to accept increased numbers of Syrian refugees.
On Thursday, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro, appearing on Fox & Friends, was asked about the Democrats’ dismissive reaction to President Trump’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday night, in which they derided Trump for championing traditional American values, even disparaging him f
Congress should investigate the whistleblower claim that Trump made a dangerous ‘promise’ to a foreign leader . . . but not because of a statute.
Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence are coronavirus free, the vice president's press secretary announced Friday.
From an operational perspective I knew the cost and how it would jeopardize our border security.
"There's a video of him arguing with a hooker about how much crack he has. What do you think about that, Mr. President?"

Rogue agency enabled by governor

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The recent report by the San Francisco Chronicle on the Public Utitlities Commission cutting $350,000 from anti-terrorism programs appears to reflect petty PUC payback against the California Legislature over the Legislature's budget restrictions relating to its concerns about heavy legal costs from PUC scandals. This is no way to run a government agency. But ultimate blame lies in part with Gov. Jerry Brown. His decision to veto six bills with various PUC reforms amounts to him telling the agency's leaders that they're doing a heck of a job.
A man who was deported to Mexico 16 years ago has been convicted of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old Oregon girl while she slept in her bedroom last year.The girl's mother told KATU News her 9-year-old and 5-year-old daughters were asleep on the night of F
Investigators at one point linked the weapons sent to violent Mexican cartels by the Obama administration's Fast and Furious gun-running program to dozens of deaths.
Do leaders in New York City know something that the rest of us don't? The city’s Emergency Management shared a pubic service announcement Monday called "Nuclear Preparedness PSA," which outlined the three necessary steps to take if a nuclear attack were to occur — though no specifics were provided a...
The first votes for the Republican presidential nomination won't be cast until February, but the polls have already provided enough drama for a full campaign cycle. Donald Trump surged to the top, faltered for a moment, then regained his lead. Ben Carson challenged him, but appears to be fading. Now Ted Cruz is coming on strong — or, to quote a newspaper story that unabashedly lapsed into horse race language, “making his move.”

Robert Mueller Is No Ken Starr

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

No matter the criticisms directed his way by Republicans, Robert Mueller should count himself lucky that he’s not Ken Starr ...
The complaint from an anti-Trump "whistleblower" is riddled with gossip and innuendo, following the template of the debunked Steele dossier.
North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un has shown more sympathy towards President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump than the media and Democrats have since th...
Kate Coyne-McCoy, the chief strategist of the Rhode Island Democratic Party, faced swift criticism late Monday over a tweet about Sen. Lindsey Graham’s COVID-19 diagnosis.