Alliance Defending Freedom is representing at least 11 families asking the court to stop Virginia Public Schools’ policy that opens up showers and locker rooms to the opposite sex.
The woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault came forward with her explosive allegations on Sunday, saying the supposed attack derailed me substantially for four or five years and claiming that the episode rendered her unable to have healthy relationships with men.
Mere moments after President Trump concluded his Wednesday Oval Office address to the nation about the extraordinary steps the administration was taking to stem the deadly coronavirus, CNN, via pompous chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta, was already insisting the address was “smacking of xenophobia” and bigotry. His evidence was Trump calling the coronavirus a “foreign virus,” which was accurate.
Parade leaders are discouraging people from attending the unofficial Mummers "protest" being held on South Second Street.
Under Keith Poole's leadership, the Post is aiming for the stars and hoping to become a truly world-beating and trouble-making online presence
Hillary Clinton was headed to an emergency room following her sudden collapse during the Sept. 11 memorial ceremony ? but ditched her NYPD escort and detoured to daughter Chelsea Clinton̵…
.03/14/2020 14:59:19PM EST.
Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said Wednesday he will object on Jan. 6 to President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory. His objection guarantees a last stand for P…
A Greek socialist serving as vice president of the European Union's parliament was arrested in Belgium for allegedly taking bribes to "influence the economic and political decisions" of the EU on behalf of Qatar.The EU vice president's arrest comes amidst 16 raids conducted by Belgian police across ...
Republicans have demanded that Christine Blasey Ford testifies before Monday or the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will move forward, but the judge's rape accuser has refused to do so. Now, we may know why. Apparently, there is new evidence coming out which will entirely exonerate Kavanaugh, thereby humiliating Ford and ruining her reputation for good.
With such coronavirus chaos going on in Italy and France, it's good to see when medical practitioners have their acts together. Hospitals is Italy are rationing care, but Planned Parenthoods in the United States are taking every precaution possible to make sure that no one spreads the disease while
It's official: 2020 was the worst year ever, except for almost all the other years in human history! Will 2021 be a better year? Take a look at the Babylon Bee's official list of infallible predictions for next year and decide for yourself! January 1 - New Year resolutions beginJanuary 5 - New Year resolutions downgraded January&nbs ...
Former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus spoke with Fox News Digital about top priorities that should be included in the National Defense Authorization Act.

Trump border wall going up in Texas

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

The United States was to begin construction in Texas on Saturday of part of President Donald Trump's border wall designed to curb illegal immigration, which he calls a security threat. Running along four miles (six kilometers) of the 2,000-mile border with Mexico, the new section will replace existing

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“I want all Americans to understand: we are at war with an invisible enemy, but that enemy is no match for the spirit and resolve of the American people...”
Last month, my 8-year-old sister came home from school deflated and torn. She told me that a young boy in her class was making fun of her because of her skin color, comparing her brown skin to feca…
Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said in a Saturday tweet that the World Health Organization is more concerned about protecting the Chinese government's "feelings" than public health.
University does not apply same 'civil and inclusive' standard to threats against Jewish students.
WH Director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp appeared on Fox News and defended President Donald Trump's SCOTUS nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. 
President Trump has taken pains over the past week to link the coronavirus outbreak to China, calling it the “Chinese virus” at daily briefings over objections that doing so unfairly stigmatizes an entire nation, and might encourage hostility toward Asian-Americans.
NEW YORK, NY - Yass, slay, queens -- dead queens, that is! Cosmopolitan Magazine is promoting body positivity with the first-ever series of corpse cover models.The issues feature interviews with and profiles on a dozen dead girls who show how they too can be healthy despite being completely dead.'Look at these gorgeous corpses: the very pict ...
President Joe Biden is sending 1,000 Virginia and Kentucky National Guard troops to the horn of Africa, the services announced on Saturday. The deployment