The Justice Department on Sunday accused NBC’s Chuck Todd of deceptively editing a sound bite from Attorney General William Barr to make it look as if he said nothing about upholding the rule of law, when in fact he did.
The head of the World Health Organization insisted Friday that scientists haven’t ruled out the possibility that COVID-19 was leaked from a lab in China — despite previous declarations from a WHO-l…
(Editor's Note: This article has been updated to include additional context and notes that CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky was speaking specifically about COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated population.)
Just over a year after creating his Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnerships, New York City Mayor Eric Adams urged faith leaders to boldly exercise their faith in in the public square and ...
After days of refusing to reinstate his account, even after it was proven the copyright claim against him was bogus, YouTube has finally caved and given Gavin McInnes his channel back. McInnes has been the victim of a prolonged and ruthless attack on his character by the liberal media. The account had been banned after …
In dramatic testimony Monday, Obama holdover Attorney General Sally Yates testified that she warned the incoming White House its newly installed national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was “compr…
It’s not accepting new users yet, though.
In a disgraceful performance Tuesday, President Joe Biden went down to Georgia on Tuesday to offer a disgraceful pack of lies about the filibuster and Democrats’ so-called “voting rights” bills.…
Ever see something that's simultaneously hilarious and heartbreaking? Language warning:
In a news segment that ran on CBS 46 last night, host Ben Swann recounted the Pizzagate conspiracy theory that led one man to charge into a pizzeria with an
Photos of up to 6.8 million Facebook users, including ones they never posted, could be accessed.
Dr. Fauci has become one of the most powerful people in the world. And some, particularly in our media and in our Democratic establishment, are clamoring to give him even more power. Why?
"Junk food laden with sugar and preservatives are still abundant, but everything fresh and healthy is gone."

The 2000s are calling

Submitted 1 year ago by ActRight Community

Mike Pence channels George W. Bush in the run-up to deciding on a 2024 White House bid.
Of all the far-left, wacky statements made at Saturday’s Women’s March, actress Ashley Judd may take the top honor (or DisHonor) for an R-rated tangent against “Electoral College-sanctioned hate speech” by President Trump and his team of “Nazis” capturing “little girls like Pokemon” and Ivanka Trump as his “favorite sex symbol.”
While much has been written about the entrapment of Michael Flynn by the ethically challenged Andrew McCabe and his accomplice Peter Strzok, little discussion has been devoted to the constitutionally
U.S.—Several Democrat-controlled states have released new Greta Thunberg surveillance drones into the wild to lecture people who go outside.The drones include a camera to catch people going outside and a screen playing a Greta Thunberg lecture. They fly along beaches and hover over parks, shouting and chasing off people who try to have a little fun or li …
Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby -- who was indicted on federal perjury charges Thursday – has previously praised and been supported by Vice President Kamala Harris during her rise as a progressive Democrat in Maryland. 
Vice President Kamala Harris said she once asked her mother why conservatives are bad, as she couldn't reconcile the political label with conservation.
There was likely never going to be
The Trump administration announced Friday that it is waiving several regulations in order to fast-track construction of nearly 70 miles of border barriers and roads in Webb and Zapata counties. The move marks a significant step in fulfilling Trump's election-year goal to have hundreds of miles of fencing or wall in place by the end of the year.
Those tawdry first-class seats on a regularly scheduled commercial flight just won’t do.
A Michigan college has placed a professor on leave following a bizarre profanity-laden rant accusing students of being 'vectors of disease.'