Here at Techdirt, we've covered a large number of bogus C&Ds. One thing many of them have in common (besides being vague about what they find actionable) is a misunderstanding of the Section 230 protections afforded to site owners. It...
"I really hope we can get something going here," Ohr wrote.
If you harbor any doubts that the Democratic Party has fully embraced anti-Semitism, you can put them to rest by tuning in to C-SPAN and watching the replay of a single congressional session that began at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. The...
The Senate confirmed Kenneth K. Lee to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday, giving President Trump reinforcements against the most consistently liberal circuit in the country.
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., announced that she would not be doing a town hall on Fox News, slamming the network as a "hate-f...

The Persecutors and the Persecuted

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Democratic bigots will destroy the country.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom, in an apparent rebuke of President Trump, used his executive authority to pardon two immigrants who went to prison after facing convictions -- including for soliciting to commit murder and grand theft.
Federal immigration officials lashed out at Oregon authorities and local sanctuary laws after a man in the U.S. illegally was set free after serving 60 days for raping a dog to death. The man, Fidel Lopez, 52, has been apprehended by ICE and is set to be deported.
News of Salon being sold at a huge discount follows vice's waypoint shutting down, Variety gaming being closed and endless more in trouble. Let's look at why...
On Tuesday night, bestselling author and Daily Wire podcast host Andrew Klavan had the opportunity to speak at Stanford University at an event hosted by the Stanford College Republicans (SCR).

New Poll: Trump Is KILLING It

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is
The White House on Wednesday raised its war against Silicon Valley when it reported a remarkable battle requesting that Internet clients...
As The Daily Wire has reported numerous times, anti-Semitism in Sweden has been on the rise for years.
As The Daily Wire has reported numerous times, anti-Semitism in Sweden has been on the rise for years.
A pro-life woman in Huntsville, Alabama, was physically assaulted by a feminist earlier this month as she was protesting abortion outside the Alabama Women’s Center abortion clinic.
For the first time since Roe v. Wade was decided, it seems possible it could be overturned. Supporters of abortion have dug in, and so too must pro-lifers.
Republican Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act on Wednesday which effectively bans nearly all abortion in the state.
President Trump will make a fresh bid Thursday to remake U.S. immigration policy, proposing an expansion of skills-based visas offset by new restrictions on refugees and family members—a proposal likely to ignite a dispute over issues that divide political parties and the country.
President Trump today announced that he was signing an executive order to ban U.S. companies from using foreign companies that might pose a threat to U.S. national security. From the BBC… The president signed an executive order which effectively bars US companies from using foreign telecoms believed to pose a security risk to the country. Mr Trump does not name any company specifically in the | Read More »
US Embassy workers in Iraq have been ordered to leave. This is following a two large attacks in one week. President Trump has issued strong warnings against further attacks.
Republican Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act on Wednesday which effectively bans nearly all abortion in the state.
Democratic paeans to checks and balances conceal plans for a historic power grab.
Debate safety and civil liberties before it becomes ubiquitous.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), the double-Harvard graduate who is a U.S. Army combat veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, has always been blisteringly hawkish on the issue of Iran.