Alongside Dachau and Japanese internment camps.
With Schultz exiting, it’s now up to CEO Kevin Johnson to decide where to slow versus grow.
KFC has refused to sell bacon at a number of stores across Australia to keep in line with other Halal certified products.
According to CNN, they?ve just learned that Peter Strzok was escorted from the FBI building a few days ago, on Friday. They explain: JUST IN: FBI agent Peter Strzok was escorted from the FBI …

Trump and the Invasion of the West

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

[St]riking down the policy will leave America's immigration crisis still unresolved. Consider. Since 2016, some 110,000 children have entered the U.S. illegally and been released, along with 200,000 Central American families caught sneaking across the border.
Coverage of illegal-immigration issues has always been shot through with emotionally manipulative falsehood.
A Philadelphia judge heard oral arguments Monday in a case that bans a Catholic foster care agency from placing children in families with religious convictions.
On Tuesday, Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified in a joint Congressional hearing to the House Oversight and House Judiciary panels about his review of the FBI?s (mis)handling of the Clinton email investigation.  House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) came out swinging Tuesday in a a joint hearing held by the House Oversight and House Judiciary Committees. ?
Remember the Antifa riots in Berkeley back in 2017? At one of the rallies, several firefighters and police officers personally witnessed at close range a mob of Antifa rioters violently attack a guy who was just sitting on a wall; the attackers would have killed the man if the cops had not interrupted the attack …
Judge Julie Robinson issued a 118-page opinion Monday saying the state violates the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. She issued a permanent injunction barring the state from enforcing the law on any voter and ordered sanctions against Secretary of State Kris Kobach for his conduct during the course of the trial.
The Trump administration plans to announce its withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday, making good on a pledge to leave a body it has long accused of hypocrisy and criticized as biased against Israel, according to two people familiar with the matter.
"It's been over a year of this," one of the defendants told Berkeleyside on Monday afternoon. "It was intense. We're all just ready to move on with our lives."
Outraged anchors and correspondents at ABC, CBS and NBC attacked the Trump administration for separating children from parents at the border as they overwhelmed their Monday morning and evening news programs with a massive 94 minutes of coverage on the detainment policy. Overall, in just six days of coverage (June 13 through June 18) the nets have flooded their broadcasts with almost three hours (176 minutes) of emotional segments that included pictures of crying children and accompanying anger from correspondents and pundits alike.
The Trump administration has an intentional and explicit policy of separating migrant children from their families if caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border without permission. Long before that, however, the administration of Barack Obama ramped up a program with largely the same effect. Since 2008, the United States
The crime rate among illegal immigrants in Arizona is twice that of other residents, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday, citing a new report based on conviction data.
The investigators assumed their new boss would reward them for going to extremes to help her.
This was posted on Twitter on Monday. The Occupy Wall Street Twitter account — with over 200,000 followers — tweeted this out on Monday. Occupy Wall Street is calling for the killing of ICE agents for doing their job. And for enforcing a policy that has been on the books since the Bush years.
House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy scorched James Comey in a blistering opening statement at a high-profile congressional hearing on Tuesday, declaring “we can’t survive with a justice system we don’t trust.”
A top trade adviser to President Trump said that the administration is working on measures to protect agriculture and other critical industries from retaliatory tariffs being threatened by China amid an escalating trade dispute between the two countries.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was preparing to take Americans back to the Moon and on to Mars—until President Obama took office. Obama crippled NASA’s efforts to send astronauts beyond low Earth orbit without international assistance and needed the help of allies to make it to Mars. The former president redirected America?s space agency ?
  The media headlines are deliberately misleading: Nielsen becomes face of Trump’s border separations — Politico All four living former first ladies condemn Trump border policy — N…
"Antifa" is to violence what the Southern Poverty Law Center is to words.
If the stakes were not so high, the 568-page report issued last week by the Justice Department Office of the Inspector General (“A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of
The West Point graduate, who last year posed in a picture holding a cap that had “Communism will win” written inside, is officially out of the U.S. Army with an other-than-honorable discharge.