The Hungarian parliament has approved a controversial law enabling all asylum seekers in the country to be detained and forced back into neighbouring Serbia. Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister, claimed migrants were keeping his country “under siege” and must be defended against.  Speaking at a swearing-in ceremony for a group of specialist guards known as “border hunters”, he said that Hungary could only count on itself for protection. 
Obama’s third term has begun. Our Republic is in danger.
The former 'Gossip Girl' star revealed the one thing she'd change if she could change history — and it wasn't stopping Hitler.
Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden said on Tuesday that the WikiLeaks dump of what it claims to be more than 8,700 documents from the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence looks authentic and is genuinely a big deal. WikiLeaks announced that its Vault7 publication shines a light on the CIA's secret hacking program with targets around the world, using malware that can bypass encryption protection in a wide range of devices, including Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones. Since the document dump, WikiLeaks account has shared several pieces of information via its official Twitter account, including this one: WikiLeaks #Vault7 confirms CIA can effectively bypass Signal + Telegram + WhatsApp + Confide encryption. Snowden replied to this tweet with a PSA, saying that it incorrectly implies CIA hacked these apps / encryption.
A 14 year-old girl was gang-raped by Muslim classmates in Sweden last May. But the boys were allowed to stay ...
Over the past month seven Christians in the town of al-Arish have been burned, beheaded and shot dead.
A universal “comprehensive” search may prompt passenger complaints to law enforcement.
Trump's Executive Order Mandates Government Reports on Honor Killings Committed by Migrants

All Roads Lead Back to Brennan

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

It is “our job,” not Trump’s, to “control exactly what people think,” gasped MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski last month. This week’s gasp from the media assumes a slightly different form and can be translated as: It is our job, not Trump’s, to push stories about the government investigation ?
In 2010, angry Americans elected Republicans to the House of Representatives in the belief that Republicans would fight tooth and nail to repeal Obamacare. In 2014, Republicans took the Senate by making the same promise. In 2016, President Trump won election on the basis of repealing the “disaster” of Obamacare. Now it’s 2017. Republicans have a majority in the House and Senate. President Trump is in the White House. And instead of repealing Obamacare, they now plan to trim around the edges.
"there is actually nothing wrong with any of the meetings that happened."

Progressives Are a Lost Cause

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Woods firmly believes that leftists have always “been about one thing: social reconstruction at the point of a gun.”
Why is it that CNN has the issue while other networks do not? If you do not agree with CNN or have an issue they disagree with, they will shut down your feed
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Monday slammed congressional Republicans' ObamaCare replacement bill as the "Make America Sick Again" act.
A correction to a frequently cited 2012 study has been issued, after researchers discovered they mixed up results purporting to show conservatives are more likely than liberals to exhibit behaviors linked to psychoticism, such as authoritarianism and tough-mindedness. In fact, the opposite is true.

There Is No Gender Wage Gap

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Is there a gender wage gap? Are women paid less than men to do the same work? Christina Hoff Sommers, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, ...
A new Seattle, Wash., preschool is planning to teach toddlers about social justice, racism and biases. The two teachers opening the school, Benjamin Gore and Jason Frelot, want to teach the childre
Mick Mulvaney, the new director of the Office of Management and Budget, also praises the Republican plan.
Last week, the Jerusalem Post and other news agencies reported that in a Paris suburb, two Jewish brothers wearing kippot (Jewish skullcaps) were attacked while driving their car by Middle Easterners driving another car. According to a case report:
The 26-year-old apparently also tried to cut his tattoos off with a knife.
New video aired moments ago shows President Donald Trump surprising a group of tourists at the White House.
WikiLeaks has published a huge trove of what appear to be CIA spying secrets. The files are the most comprehensive release of US spying files ever made public, according to Julian Assange. In all, there are 8,761 documents that account for "the entire hacking capacity of the CIA", Mr Assange claimed in a release, and the trove is just the first of a series of "Vault 7" leaks.
President Trump has offered to maintain federal funding for Planned Parenthood if the group stops providing abortions. Its president has spurned the proposal and noted that federal money already is not allowed to be used for abortion.
The arrest stunned protesters at the camp, where he was the head of security, and sent the environmental groups with which the man known as Pete worked into damage control. In 1984, he was sentenced to nine years for forcible rape, seven years for forcible oral sex and three years for possession of a controlled substance with an intent to sell, the California Department of Corrections said. At a November meeting of the Texas Parks & Wildlife Commission, Gutierrez and about 100 other activists gathered to protest the pipeline, which runs from near Pecos to Mexico and by Big Bend Ranch State Park. In December, Texas activists, following the example of protesters trying to block another Energy Transfer project, the Dakota Access pipeline in North Dakota, worked to open three West Texas camps. Gutierrez, who lives with his wife in the Houston area, was the leader who stayed most often at the camp, other activists said, and became well-loved. [...] about two months ago, a Presidio County Sheriff's deputy got a tip that Gutierrez, still known as Hefflin, was wanted in California under a warrant issued in 2007, according to the sheriff's office incident report. Protesters had gathered at a pipeline construction site near Elephant Rock by the old ghost town of Shafter, the incident report said. The deputies took Gutierrez to the border patrol checkpoint, 30 miles away, to take his fingerprints. Lori Glover, co-founder of the anti-pipeline protest group Defend Big Bend and owner of the land on which the Two Rivers camp sits, said the penal system was cruel and vengeful.
What Mark Levin is doing, in an obvious effort to help his King save face, is actually quite comical.