Republican Debate 2016 GOP Debate main round Cruz vs Rubio part 6
Republican Debate 2016 GOP Debate main round Cruz vs Rubio part 6
Republican Debate 2016 GOP Debate main round Trump, Carson,Cruz, Rubio part 4 HD
Republican Debate 2016 GOP Debate main round Trump, Carson,Cruz, Rubio part 4 HD
Republican Debate 2016 GOP Debate main round Trump, Carson,Cruz, Rubio part 3
Republican Debate 2016 GOP Debate main round Trump, Carson,Cruz, Rubio part 3
Republican Debate 2016 GOP Debate main round Trump, Carson,Cruz, Rubio part 1
Republican Debate 2016 GOP Debate main round Trump, Carson,Cruz, Rubio part 1
Republican Debate 2016 GOP Debate main round Trump, Carson,Cruz, Rubio part 1
Republican Debate 2016 GOP Debate main round Trump, Carson,Cruz, Rubio part 1
Virginia GOP chairman calls for Dave Agema's resignation – not necessarily expulsion – from Republican National Committee.
Swedish police have been ordered not to release descriptions of crime suspects which include race or nationality to avoid being branded racist.
Dem Panic: Hillary's Catastrophic Collapse In One Chart
Puerto Rico's economy is collapsing, US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said Friday as he announced a visit to the US territory two weeks after its debt default. In a letter to Congress, Lew urged passage of bankruptcy legislation for the Caribbean island weighed down by $70 billion in debt and the effects of a decade of recession. "Although there are many ways this crisis could escalate further, it is clear that Puerto Rico is already in the midst of an economic collapse," Lew said in the letter, addressed to Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan.
Broadcast-network comedy-talk programs such as The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon took two weeks off over Christmas and New Year’s. Real Time With Bill Maher got a winter break college students would envy (two months -- remember, it’s not TV, it’s HBO) but the show returns Friday night, and to promote it, Maher gave an interview to The Daily Beast. He and the Beast’s Marlow Stern talked mostly about the presidential races, though Maher fulminated a bit about how one of his major hobbyhorses, the Tea Party, allegedly came to be.
One police union head claims Quentin Tarantino's latest film's financial failure is all due to a promised boycott from the boys in blue.
Climate Alarmists Invent New Excuse: The Satellites Are Lying
On Friday, the feud between Ted Cruz and America's largest city escalated when the New York Daily News told Cruz on the front page of the paper: "Drop dead, Ted."
Jan. 14 debate draws fewest viewers so far this cycle.
Trump: Cruz 'Bromance' Is Over

The Pledge...

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

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Does anyone else find it disturbing that neither of these two would admit they themselves are actually socialist, or even discuss the Democratic Party and its socialists ideals? Clearly they are h
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES We’ve written in the past at RedState on how little the Obama administration cares about screening refugees trying to come into America, but we’ve only dealt with the wave of Middle Eastern refugees thus far. Now, we know–as if we didn’t before–that this extends to other refugees as well. News broke yesterday that Barack Obama and John Kerry are | Read More »
Does Cruz's critique of New Yorkers apply to the New Yorkers bankrolling his campaigns?