"I will not sit by and watch a theft,” he says.
Yesterday, YouGov and the Huffington Post released a poll showing that large majorities of Americans have an "unfavorable opinion" of the Islamic faith.
The liberal media and Republican Party elites erupted this week after Donald Trump announced his plan to ban Muslim immigrants ...
SALISBURY, MD—Repeating identical comments he had made in June, July, August, September, and twice in November, increasingly nervous local man Aaron Howe responded to Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. Monday by once again stating this would be the end of the Republican frontrunner’s campaign, sources confirmed.
In a shameless display of unprofessionalism, egregious even by today’s lax standards of academic conduct, a UC-Irvine biology professor used his classroom lectern to deliver a diatribe on the need for gun control in the wake of the San Bernardino shooting and to exhort his students to take up the issue.
On "Hannity" tonight, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani reacted to the news that yet another detainee released from Guantanamo Bay has returned to the life of terror.
"I stand here to light these lights to say no the darkness of Islamophobia"
A former Homeland Security employee says he likely could have helped prevent the San Bernardino terror attack if the government had not pulled the plug on a surveillance program he was developing three years ago.
Call the enemy what it is, Senator fumes.
Where should I send my kids to college? It’s the question I’ve heard more than any other in the past few weeks. The list of schools where students can get a decent education has been dwindling for ...
ObamaCare is on death watch. On Wednesday, Cigna CEO David Cordani said the giant insurer won’t commit to offering policies on the ObamaCare exchanges beyond next year. This, just two weeks after a...
ISIS-made fake Syrian passports constructed with what appears to be an extremely capable machine are one of the newest worries of U.S. anti-terror officials. A
Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough’s co-host on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” challenged a panel to find a better solution to the visa program Thursday, other than the one offered by Donald Trump, and the ideas were pretty tepid. She ran down the facts that have surfaced about Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, since they murdered ?
2016 Republican presidential candidate and billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump said that he supports reauthorizing the USA PATRIOT Act and bulk cell

Donald Trump

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.

Obamacare Is Now on Life Support

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Democrats gained the political muscle to push the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through Co
For asking questions about empirical data, Justice Antonin Scalia has been roundly broiled by the Left as being some sort of racist.
In case you missed it, earlier today, co-founder of Greenpeace, Dr. Patrick Moore said today that he's calling in the FBI on Greenpeace for what he perceives as RICO/racketeering violations in thei...
For the first time since 2006, terrorism ranks higher than the economy as a concern for voters, according to a new CBS News poll.
The terrorist attacks in Paris and in San Bernardino, California, have reshaped the 2016 presidential campaign: Terrorism is now a top concern. All else being equal, that could help the Republican …
A woman was arrested Tuesday after allegedly calling the Denver Planned Parenthood and telling them she was tempted to "walk into a Republican Party meeting with her dead husband's gun and just start shooting people," according to Fountain Police.
This happened after Netanyahu said he "rejects" Trump's Muslim ban.
Rubio's bold claim earns a rare Geppetto Checkmark.