Republican U.S. presidential candidate Ben Carson canceled a trip planned for later this month to Africa.
Analysis of over 150,000 NPR stories has shown a bias against men at the network, with stories about women's issues given center stage.
New York Times changes story on President Obama’s terror response without correction
Rush Limbaugh, Jeff Sessions, Mike Lee and Steve King refuted the claim made by Marco Rubio that he and Ted Cruz have identical positions on immigration.
On the Sean Hannity radio show Thursday afternoon, Sen. Mike Lee clears the air over the spat between Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz about the 2013 "Gang of Eight" immigration bill.
Marco Rubio and his supporters point to a series of amendments Cruz proposed for the bipartisan immigration reform bill as a sign that he supported the bill, but Lee says the situation is more complicated: " I was there as we both drafted and presented amendments trying to make this really bad 'Gang of Eight' amnesty bill not as bad."
Lee, who serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee with Ted Cruz says claims that Cruz supported this bill are "100% false."
"At no time during that process - at no moment did I ever see Ted Cruz take any action that was tantamount to saying he was embracing amnesty."
"Insofar as anybody is trying to suggest that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio had the same position with regards amnesty or with regards to the 'Gang of Eight' bill - that is absolutely false."
MIKE LEE: As you know, I'm friends with both of these guys, I have enormous respect for both of them, I serve on the Judiciary committee with Ted Cruz, the entire time, as we spent weeks working on the gang of eight immigration bill.
I was there with him as we both drafted and presented amendments trying to make this really bad gang of eight amnesty bill not as bad.
At no time during that process, at no moment did Ted Cruz take any action that was tantamount to supporting Amnesty. He filed amendments designed to make the bill less bad.
That does not mean, ever meant, and will not ever mean that he was going to vote for that bill, he was just trying to make it less bad.
Insofar as anybody is trying t suggest that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio had the same position... that is absolutely false, 100% false.
Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign was struck with a setback on Wednesday when it was suspended from DNC voter files.
"They are not going to sabotage our campaign," Sanders' top aide Jeff Weaver said.
Former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan says that the Jeb Bush campaign used his name on a fundraising invitation without permission.
Fox News contacted two dozen Yale faculty for comment on their recent video of students signing a petition to repeal the First Amendment.
Adam Sandler was on with Howard Stern recently where he talked about how pro-Israel he is and how he hates these BDS protesters like Roger Waters, front man for Pink Floyd: JERUSALEM POST – “…
"We definitely can't say..."
By Andrew C. McCarthy, The National Review@AndrewCMcCarthy The chilling thing about the hung jury that resulted in a mistrial for Officer William G. Porter, the first Baltimore cop to stand
House Freedom Caucus Makes Excuses For Ryan's $1.8 Trillion Tax-And-Spend Plan
President Obama reportedly told columnists he saw too little cable coverage of the Paris and San Bernardino attacks to appreciate the anxiety they caused.
It’s absurd that conservatives would agree to any new spending
GOVERNMENT petitions are being abused online by activists organising 'mass signings' to trigger Government debates, throwing the recent success of a petition to ban Donald Trump from the UK in to doubt.
On Thursday night, the New York Times published a stunning admission from President Obama. By Friday morning, the entire passage was gone from the story.
Hundreds of asylum seekers entering Norway have been discovered with images of “Isis flags” and “executions” on their mobile phones, Norwegian police have said. The Police Immigration (PU) in Norway have reportedly been working under severe strain to register increasing numbers of refugees hoping to seek asylum in the country.
In an exclusive interview, Chuck Hagel said the Obama administration micromanaged the Pentagon, stabbed him in the back on the way out -- and still…
<p>Politics and government from the Statehouse to the White House</p>
With his poll numbers dropping after a brief flirtation with the 2016 GOP presidential lead, Dr. Ben Carson expressed his frustration with GOP voters, possibly crippling whatever chances he had for a political resurrection by insulting them.
Donald Trump: Congress 'Threw In The Towel' on Budget Deal
On Sept. 14, 2012, three days after the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi, Libya, Hillary Clinton appeared at Andrews Air Force Base, w...
In an amazing op-ed the NY Times admits that "assault weapon" is a made up term created by anti-gun Democrats to scare low information voters.