LIVE: Trump holds Knoxville Rally Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses voters during a rally at Knoxville Convention Center in Knoxville,...
Charles Krauthammer railed on Obama and his passive disinterest in destroying ISIS, but noted how passionate he was about criticizing Republicans for wanting...
Paul Joseph Watson reports live from Paris on how the Muslim ghettos which, in the name of political correctness, the left pretended didn't exist, contribute...
Having served Iowans for decades, King said endorsing a presidential candidate is a "rare opportunity, therefore, cannot be squandered."
Orbán Viktor napirend elÅtti felszólalása 2015. november 16-án, az Országgyűlésben. You can turn the English subtitle on by clicking on the "captions" icon a...
Are women being sacrificed on the altar of multiculturalism? In Sweden the answer may be yes, as rape by Muslim men is covered up by the government and media. by Selwyn Duke
The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi.
The mastermind of the Paris massacres has bragged of travelling across Europe at will to plot murder and mayhem. Abdelhamid Abaaoud boasted how his picture was 'all over the news'
In light of Paris attacks, accepting Syrian refugess is "nothing short of lunacy,” says Cruz.
A Local 12 Special Report
Obama Dismisses Notion of US Victory; Comes to Life When Defending Refugees - The Rush Limbaugh Show
RUSH: The intellectuals know there is no winning. There's just containment. There's appeasement, there's cooperation, coalition. Winning? Come on, don't waste my time. We're so beyond winning. In his vaunted world of superior intelligence and being, winning is such a passe thing... And, by the way, Syrian refugees are already here in overwhelming numbers and they're in practically every major city in the country. I have a graphic.
On Friday Islamist killers linked to ISIS slaughtered 132 people in Paris and injured another 352 civilians. It was the ...
When Muslim organizations invite Shaykhs who speak openly about the values of Islam, the Islamophobic western media starts murdering the character of that or...
President Obama characterized the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing attacks as “two brothers and a crock pot” on Monday in an attempt to explain the power of individual terrorist threats.
Protesters at Dartmouth University disrupted students studying in the library, reportedly directing profanity towards white students and physically pushing others. In a critical editorial, the conservative Dartmouth Review listed some of the epithets hurled by the protesters: “F**k you, you filthy white f**ks!” “F**k you and your comfort!” “F**k you, you racist sh**s!” ALSO TRENDING Husband
A Democratic candidate for the Minnesota House ended his campaign Sunday, hours after he tweeted that the Islamic State group isn't necessarily evil and its members were doing what they thought was best for their community.
From women wearing the niqab, belief in the caliphate, wife-beating, and putting one's loyalty to Allah over the loyalty to one's country – these people embody and epitomise what UKIP leader Nigel Farage once called the "fifth column" living in our midst
"Daily Show" host Trevor Noah defended Islam as a peaceful religion by pointing out that all of Western civilization has yet to be annihilated by Islamic terrorists.
Lawmakers and their aides should take precautions and be vigilant but there are no specific threats against the Capitol following the Paris terrorist attacks, the police agency that provides security for Congress said in a memo to lawmakers' offices Monday.
Either you’re with us or you’re against us. Columbia student activists are pestering peers to attend campus protests and walk-outs in solidarity with college students at Missouri and Yale or risk s...
ISIS has a help desk of senior cyber operatives ready to teach would-be terrorists how to communicate in secret and evade detection by authorities.
I'd hate to be thrown off a roof. I mean, imagine if I landed on this face. So mass immigration from the Muslim world scares me.
The Obama administration did not tell Congress, until recently, that Syrian Refugees were arriving in Louisiana. According to a House Homeland Security Committee aide, Congress did not know about 13