"...actually a partisan attack..."
Lifting the crude oil export ban would enable American producers to take advantage of huge opportunities for significant world-market share. Domestic petroleum companies would prosper even at current oil prices. In turn, this would power substantial economic growth—including a manufacturing renaissance—and help reestablish U.S. geopolitical influence. Thousands and eventually millions of jobs would be created throughout the economy.Oddly (or some would say, predictably) President Barack Obama opposes lifting the export ban for U.S. companies yet supports lifting the same ban on Iran, which is part of the nuclear deal. Bipartisan support for banning the ban, however, might put legislation on the president’s desk before the new year. Is there an overriding reason to keep the ban in place?In the 1970s, the U.S. imposed a crude oil export ban in reaction to several factors, including the Arab oil embargo in retaliation for our support of Israel, rising energy prices, and peaking domestic production. For the last 40 years, the ban has stayed in place ostensibly to achieve energy independence.
Venezuelans will now once again be able to purchase French fries at local franchises at $133 for a large serving.
The Danes apparently have had enough of Sanders insulting their country. Denmark is not a socialist nation, says its prime minister. It has a "market economy."
But Carson’s feisty news conference was most memorable for his willingness to push back against the media double standard: "I do not remember this level of scrutiny for one President Barack Obama when he was running; in fact I remember just the opposite."
It was verbal and informal, but "by any fair-minded description, it was an offer."
Legal victory alone won’t save states from Obama’s carbon crusade.
"It was clearly a big deal for him at the time, and yeah I absolutely believe it's true and there's really no reason for him to tell a story like that, like I said, before any of this fame cam...
Personal stories have a powerful role in the area of persuasion.
Rand Paul blamed big-spending politicians of both Left and Right for accumulating a debt larger than the $18 trillion official figure.
President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry were convinced their one-sided nuclear deal would lead to better relations with Iran, but it’s already doing the reverse. Tehran has taken two more...
A mere 7 percent of journalists identify as Republicans, and when they do give money to political campaigns they usually donate to Democrats, lending evidence to Republican presidential candidates’ claims that they are facing a hostile audience when they deal with the press.
We forget World War I at our own peril. Whether we know it or not, society continues to experience its aftershocks today.
Republican presidential hopeful acknowledges that his poll numbers have fallen as Donald Trump’s have risen – but he retains a faithful following
Exclusive — Rand Paul: Marco Rubio Worked With Democratic ‘Hillary Clinton Wing’ and Chuck Schumer To Push Amnesty
What does it take to generate a rabid, Maoist-style mob demanding political purges, on an Ivy League campus, in 2015? Halloween costumes!
For some time now Ive been saying that gay activists will overplay their hand and that the bullying will backfire. Ive also said that we can outlast the gay revolution and ultimately, by Gods grace, turn the moral tide in America.
As the deadline looms for opening all combat units to women, a comparison of the Marines integration testing and the Army’s Ranger training is worthwhile.
Ted Cruz, the Republican presidential candidate from Texas, presents an ambitious tax plan including a low 10% tax.
Clinton currently has the highest percentage of fake followers of any candidate, Republican or Democrat.
The Texas senator is foremost in a year when Republicanism is being reshaped in stronger conservative terms.
U.S. soldier Bradley Manning (left) leaving a military court facility on July 30, 2013, in Fort Meade, Md., and an undated photo courtesy of the U.S. Army showing Chelsea Manning.
This story starts with a transgender high school student who was born male but identifies as female. As a public high school student, she wants the school to recognize her as a girl, to call her by...
Can anyone honestly claim that Larry David seemed serious when he yelled "you're a racist" at Donald Trump on last night's SNL? Trick question: I said "honestly." Enter Washington Post TV critic Hank Stuever who in his review of Trump's SNL appearance last night [subtly headlined "Trump’s sorry night on ‘SNL’: An overhyped bummer for us all'], actually claimed that that David's "racist" cry seemed "genuine enough." But if ever an actor went out of his way to signal that he was simply spoofing, it was David. Have a look at the clip, and you'll see that--far from expressing genuine outrage--David at one point struggled to keep a straight face. And when Trump asked him what he was doing, David sheepishly shrugged his shoulders and threw out his arms in apologetic explanation, saying he "had to do it" because they promised him $5,000. "Genuine enough?" How about "obviously acting?"