
The president touted the dropping unemployment rate, but critics point out the figures are inflated.


Alternate Channel: http://www.youtube.com/otherjacobspinney Sources: Herbert Dow vs Bromine Cartel: http://www.thefreemanonline.org/featured/herbert-dow-and-...


Gun Control Advocates Prove They Are Abject Scum


Using the migrant crisis, Hungary's legislature has declared a state of emergency and assumed extraordinary powers.


The survey finds Trump with 45 percent support and Clinton with 40 percent.


Liberals seem to have no regard for fundamental civil rights, just ones that help their agenda.


Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton and her family reportedly paid a State Department to maintain the private email server she used during her tenure as secretary of state.


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said Thursday that the Common Core “is not working.”


Farrakhan: The American System Has to be Taken Down


Australia is the only country in the world to successfully tackle the problem of migrant boats, but the New York Times disagrees


A Democratic member of the House Select Committee on Benghazi is calling for an end to the investigative body, but Republicans are hitting back hard, pointing out that the lawmaker, Adam Schiff, has


MP3 Download: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3068/kim-davis-jailed-over-gay-marriage-licenses-true-news Rowan, Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis was jailed on Th...


According to a recent YouGov poll, a majority of Americans including blacks, Hispanics and even Democrats want a border wall ...


Donald Trump has split again from some of his Republican opponents - claiming that Kentucky clerk Kim Davis "violated the law of the land".


Common drugs for breast, bowel, prostate, pancreatic and blood cancer will no longer be funded by the NHS following sweeping cutbacks


Today we'll talk about how to write a New York Times op-ed in 45 minutes or less. We all like labor-saving tips! The main point to keep in mind is that your op-ed is not intended to elucidate, educate or amuse. These are status pieces meant to strike a pose, signaling that you are a good person. After reading your op-ed, readers should feel the warm sensation of being superior to other people -- those who don't agree with you. The idea is to be in fashion. It's all about attitude, heavy on eye-rolling.


Jeb Bush is raffling off his VIP ticket to the very first "Late Show With Stephen Colbert." Great idea! Stephen's got a couple of extra tickets, too, and you...


The e-mails show that Hillary Clinton is either helpless or unwilling to perform even the most menial and trivial of daily tasks.


I'm offended. Legend of Korra Quality Chart briefly featured in the video: http://jelloapocalypse.tumblr.com/post/74355698781/kill-yourself Super special tha...


When Osseo Gun Club & Pro Shop reached out to Comcast and Facebook to run ads for "family night" at their gun range, they refused.


Donald Trump's interview reveals something worse than not knowing the names of Mideast players: his insistence that he doesn't need to know.


He's spinning the decision as a win for him, but he really didn't have much choice.


WASHINGTON—Renewed calls for more restrictive gun laws, following a succession of fatal shootings in the U.S., immediately appear to be generating a lucrative boost for the gun industry. Newly released August


Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan weighed in on the 2016 presidential race.


Kim Davis is right to risk jail in defiance of federal lawlessness. God bless her for that bravery.