
A Florida Police Department had a beef with Arby’s after a cop was denied service Tuesday evening by a worker at the fast food franchise – simply because the customer was a police officer.


Social justice warriors have deemed Swift's new video – you guessed it – racist


A federal law puts the interests of tribes before those of Native American children.


Mark Levin was on with Hannity tonight discussing Hillary Clinton and the latest in her email scandal. Actually, Levin says this is not an email scandal, because what Hillary did was put our classi...


A person claiming to be a computer specialist has come forward with the stunning news that 32,000 emails from Hillary Clinton‘sprivate email account are up for sale.


The front-runner says he was promised nothing in return for signing the pledge.


Elites should stop sowing division and follow people's example of love and forgiveness.


Senator Rand Paul sat down with Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren to talk about President Obama's new support for the Iran Deal. Paul is against the current...


Senator Rand Paul joins "CBS This Morning" to address the controversy surrounding Kim Davis, a Kentucky court clerk who is defying the Supreme Court and refu...


A former libertarian abandons his dream of a voluntary world and explains the potential worse case scenario after the overnight disappearance of government. ...


Yet another officer has been killed this week in what is being described as plan by multiple parties to kill an Abilene police officer in his home.


If single-payer health care - or universal health coverage, or socialized medicine, or whatever ...


Carlos Anthony Hollins has been arrested and charged for allegedly issuing deadly threats against La Plata residents via his personal Twitter account.


it takes considerable cheek for the Left to whine about "income inequality" when it's gotten worse under the most left-wing President ever.


As Donald Trump has relentlessly hammered Jeb Bush as a


Hillary Clinton’s second race for the presidency is only about a quarter through, but she already seems to be causing general fatigue.


A federal judge has ordered a defiant Kentucky clerk to jail after she refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.


The current policy of birthright citizenship is a huge magnet for more illegal crossings into our country.


PPP's newest national poll finds Donald Trump just continuing to...


If you are bent on re-making society, first change or undermine long-held norms and values. Under a transforming officialdom, and with the police enlisted to serve as The Guardian's paramilitary auxiliaries, the very concept of respectability is decried as


The video shows a woman seated behind Bush alternately closing her eyes and yawning as he discusses health care insurance.


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was understandably kept abreast of all manner of news from all over the world during her tenure as Secretary of State. But buried amidst the thousa...


Socialism by any other classification is still, well, Socialism


Politico bemoans white Southerners whom the magazine accuses of preventing the U.S. from being more like Britain, Canada and other liberal democracies.