Nationally syndicated conservative columnist Michelle Malkin, founder of the website Twitchy, tells Breitbart News that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker—a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate—needs to be vetted. She also says Walker’s “problems” run much deeper than the decision to hire—then quickly let go of—pro-amnesty communications aide Liz Mair, who had taken shots at Iowa.
RIGZONE News - leading source for the latest news and information for the oil and gas industry
Facebook has censored a fundraising appeal for a Christian movie because the social media company says that the ad degrades people. Producers of the forthcoming independent film
A misplaced confidence in Keynesianism led him to be wrong about the effects of “austerity.”
Local governments and other official entities would be fined if they post signs that might intimidate license-holders who are within their r…
The bizarre spectacle taking place in the Senate over a human trafficking bill continues to descend to new lows. The ostensible reason the bill is being held up is that it contains pro-life languag
After police officer Darren Wilson fatally shot Michael Brown last summer in Ferguson, Missouri, the media erupted in terror at the prospect of young black
In this episode, Matt talks about Wesleyan College's LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM dorm, and discusses progressivism's flawed ideas about identity and community.
A Fox News personality argued Tuesday that Hillary Clinton's focus on women's issues amounted to a "war on men."
A 19-year-old was banned from the discussion portion of a humanities class at Reed College after students complained that his opinions on sexual assault made them feel uncomfortable. He doesn't wan...
Air Date: March 16th, 2015 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fa...

Kasich waits in the wings

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

If he opts to run, Ohio’s governor would add substance and spice to the GOP presidential race.
Allen West: Obama's Orientation Sympathetic to Islamist Militants
What has gone wrong with the U.S. government in the past month? Just about everything, from the fundamental to the ridiculous.
While discussing money in politics on Wednesday, President Obama broached a topic normally confined to academic circles: A law requiring people to vote.
Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu on Wednesday slammed reports that federal immigration officials had released more than 30,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records, telling Newsmax that President Barack Obama "and his administration have led the largest prison breaks in . . .
ESPN's Colin Cowherd: Culture War on Pot, Gay Marriage is Over

Critical week in Mississippi

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

This is an important week for our efforts in Mississippi. Here's what you can do to help.
'You will burn in a black flame for millions and millions and trillions of years.'

Ten new black on white murders

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The murders keep piling up, with no media outrage.
On Wednesday, the major broadcast networks failed to cover in their evening newscasts the admission from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that federal officials released roughly 30,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records in 2014 while announcing steps attempting to stop the issue. 
The ongoing unrest that forced the United States to close its embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, last month has also caused Pentagon officials to admit that they’ve lost track of $500 million in military equipment it donated to the country.
Voice your opinion on the poll: Of these potential 2016 candidates, who would you vote for?
The EPA has become a bureaucratic Frankenstein Monster.
'There’s a reason why some folks try to keep them away from the polls.'