“Here is the list📝of @GOP Traitors in the House who voted to fund💰illegal Amnesty❌ #wakeupamerica @Goatee_73 #PJNET”
Just before his death, bin Laden was plotting how best to exploit the wave of protests that was gripping the Middle East.
Ben Carson says homosexuality is a choice because many people "go into prison straight -- and when they come out, they're gay."
During her nearly two terms as a U.S. senator, the median salary for women in Hillary Clinton's office was much less than the median salary for men. As first reported by the Washington Free Beacon's Brent Scher, women in Clinton's office earned 72 cents to the dollar that men earned. That's even less than the oft-cited (and highly misleading) 77-cent figure for all working women in the United States. The suggestion that Clinton was somehow discriminating against women is a ridiculous proposition, says the presumed 2016 presidential candidate's spokesman Nick Merrill. A majority of her Senate staff were women, Merrill told the Washington Examiner in an e-mail. Women held most of the senior-most positions — including her Chief of Staff. Four of the five highest paid positions in her office were held by women.
'How did this even become a law in Maryland...'
Mark Levin argued that "Obama wants...a like-minded leftist in Israel" on Tuesday's "Hannity" on the Fox News Channel.
Crusade against Republican Scott Walker jumps the shark as Madison newspaper airs concern Wisconsin governor's spokeswomen are notably attractive
Reprinted from the Press and Journal: She never saw it coming. Appearing on MSNBC’s "Hardball with Chris Matthews," State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf was caught off-guard by the host’s tough questions. When asked what it will take for the U.S. to defeat the Islamic State, Harf admitted “we cannot win this war by killing them.”…
Ben Carson: Prison Behavior Shows Gay Sexuality a Choice
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave up trying to change President Obama's mind about a nuclear deal with Iran l.03/04/2015 12:36:18PM EST.
The House on Tuesday admitted defeat after a month-long effort to defund President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration, and passed a Department of Homeland Security funding bill that leaves Obama's plan intact. The vote came after dozens of House Republicans fought to the bitter end to reject...
It was a dream come true several years ago when Andy Johnson built a pond on his property in Fort Bridger, Wyo., to stock fish, let his kids play and provide a spot where his horses could have a drink
The Associated Press discovered that Hillary Clinton's mail server was located in her house and was registered under the name of a man who does not appear to exist.
A Vox writer once again proves that the Left hates the U.S. Constitution with its limits on government power and checks and balances. Instead he wants the current form of federal government replaced with a parliamentary system giving more power to the chief executive.
“I will not advocate for you to get a gun to shoot me because you feel scared in the middle of the night when you see me in my black hoodie.”
A plea for help on social media spurred an overnight search effort in the Tri-State -- but police say the whole thing was a hoax.
A Columbia University professor--who is an ardent supporter of women’s rights and advocate against domestic violence--was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor assault after beating up her boyfriend on Valentine’s Day.
Two-thirds of Americans say President Obama has no clear plan to fight the threat of the Islamic State.
The House passed full funding of DHS through September 30 — leaving President Obama’s executive amnesty untouched. The vote was 257-167 and the measure passed with majority Democratic votes. Seventy-five Republicans voted to pass the clean bill, 167 voted against passage.
"... the President is very interested in this avenue generally..."
Senior US administration official says prime minister did not offer alternative plan of action in speech.

The fatal flaw in the Iran deal

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The United States is on the brink of an epic capitulation to Iran.
Sen. Mitch McConnell is a friend of the farmer. The six-term Kentucky Republican proudly touts his agricultural achievements, including his two Golden Plow Awards from the American Farm Bureau. Now the newly minted majority leader is set to take on a new battle for farmers that pits him against some...
The drills are being held in the strategically critical Strait of Hormuz, which accounts for a third of all global seaborne oil trade.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel delivered a speech at a joint meeting of Congress on Tuesday, outlining his case for a tougher strategy in a nuclear deal with Iran.