An Orlando, Florida teacher has been suspended after sharing a TikTok video of white students bowing to fellow black students. The stunt is reportedly in criticism of the state’s “Stop Woke Act” which seeks to end Critical Race Theory and other discriminatory education in Florida’s public schools. The video begins featuring Howard Middle School teacher […]
According to the District Planning Guide, building a 'community of communities — small towns in our big city' is a multi-year project to accommodate people. It claims that Edmonton's planning system, consisting of hundreds of small plans, is dated and 'needs more than just a tune-up.'
Andrew McCarthy said Emily Kohrs, the forewoman of a special Georgia grand jury looking into former President Trump, dealt "a terrible blow" to prosecutors this week.
Now that we've heard from both Project Veritas' board and from James O'Keefe, it's time to talk about the whole mess.
Racial comments made by "Dilbert" creator Scott Adams have spurred a number of newspapers to drop the office comedy comic strip in protest. The cartoonist then doubled down on Twitter.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Friday an “epidemic” of hubris has hit the Biden administration, despite a track record of failures, including Afghanistan. “If you spend billions trying to make a place better and it gets worse, you have an obligation to think about…
Affirmative-action apologists were never going to take their ball and go home when they got a student body that matched the U.S. census numbers.
A 12-point position paper from China’s Foreign Ministry calling for a cease-fire between Kyiv and Moscow has been met with skepticism, and experts and Western officials say it will do little to dispel the notion that Beijing is on Russia’s side.
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
Ramzan Kadyrov, the authoritarian leader of Russia's North Caucasus region of Chechnya, has awarded himself the Hero of Chechnya medal.
"It may be shocking for Americans to realize that there are no laws barring U.S. officials from working or doing business with foreign governments once out of office, despite the indisputable and very dangerous conflicts of interest that creates."
"Trudeau tells students the best way to support people struggling with addictions is to make drugs more accessible to them," the Alberta Prosperity Project said on social media.
We already know why he’s called Creepy Joe. We’ve seen the sniffs. Biden is headed to the VIRGIN ISLANDS for vacation. Joe's not too bright. He thinks the destination is his best chance to sniff the hair of young girls.#PresidentCreepy pic.twitter.com/jNqbmg9Muu — On a Ledge Somewhere (@LedgeSomewh
Professor alleges job, salary, research opportunities and academic privileges have been threatened.

Is 'woke' dead?

Submitted 1 year ago by ActRight Community

If you don’t live online, you may have missed the controversy over Hogwarts Legacy, because of its connection to ‘transphobe’ J.K. Rowling.
The Justices hear an historic case on the limits of presidential power.
Currently, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot may be the worst mayor in America. Her mismanagement of the metropolis famously referred to as the “City of the Big Shoulders” has reached, for those of you familiar with recent events in New York, DeBlasisan heights. Drive-by shootings occur with a frequency and…
Facts are stubborn things. So, the best way for Democrats to push a good partisan narrative is to ignore them entirely.
McGill and Carleton Universities are the latest to rescind their degrees bestowed upon noted scholar Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond.
Leftists hurl rocks at America, claiming it is an irredeemably racist nation, but what happens when they discover they are as much a part of that messy, flawed history. 
University of British Columbia medicine professor Dr. Amy Tan says that not wearing masks is an act of racism, ableism and classism.
The tense moment took place at the UN Security Council as the world marks the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion. Meanwhile, Ukraine's president told reporters he would like to meet China's leader Xi Jinping as Western nations fear Beijing will supply Russia with weapons.
The report found that students exposed to critical race theory and gender ideology were more likely to support progressive policies.
Chaya Raichik claims her new book will teach children that authority figures never should have them keep secrets from their parents.