“People may express themselves differently.” Paul Joseph Watson Social media giant Instagram, which routinely removes ‘offensive’ content, has refused to remove a ‘black art’ image depicting the se…
It was by far the biggest election story of last week in social media engagements.
The list of drugs effective at treating COVID-19 got longer Tuesday, even as another well-used drug lost some of its luster.
Approximately one third of the explicit photos of minors in Hunter Biden’s laptop were of the same 14-year-old girl — who is one of his relatives, according a shocking new report. Not only were there inappropriate photos of the child on her own, but Hunter Biden was in some of them with her. “A source…
A Supreme Court Justice Barrett will moderate the administrative state at both the judicial and executive level. Doing so will unify the nation.
Coronavirus relief negotiations have entered a "new phase," as Trump administration officials and Democratic leaders look to cut a deal on another round of emergency aid in the next 48 hours, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Wednesday.
The Justice Department said his denial was part of his official White House duties in “response to press inquiries” and therefore an “official act.”
Fifteen years ago, American higher education was beset with serious problems, especially rising costs, politicization of the curriculum, the mania over diversity, and falling academic standards. At that time, however, few people would have said that among its problems was the threat to freedom of speech on campus. But one scholar who did see that … Continue reading "Free Speech and Liberal Education–Two Endangered Pillars of Society"
America needs Amy Coney Barrett and Originalism, her philosophy, ASAP. That's not for partisan reasons, but because it means she will maintain the rule of law.
The United Kingdom's Minister for Women and Equalities denounced teaching the ideology of Black Lives Matter and critical race theory as uncontested facts.
An 89% majority of Republicans support Barrett’s confirmation compared to 15% of Democrats.
Shouldn't this be censored per Twitter's "new" rules on unauthorized content?
Secret Service records revealed by two top Republican senators Tuesday confirm the details of Hunter Biden's trips described by the New York Post.
Thread by @LaurenWitzkeDE: THREAD: Information on Hunter Biden hard drive from POLICE SOURCE here in Delaware. 1/ The laptop/hard drive was turned over yesterday to the New Castle County PD. That is because New Cas...…
'Avengers' star Robert Downey Jr. defended Chris Pratt after the actor suffered attacks on social media over his political and religious beliefs.
The real mark of a legend is to get away with it all, over, and over, and over again. Hunter Biden barely even needs his dad to protect him
A former Louisville, Ky., police officer involved in the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor said that the incident was a tragedy but had “nothing to do with race.”
Joe Biden cited Mitt Romney and "intelligence people" in claiming "there's no basis at all" for allegations about Hunter Biden's emails.
The channel says it will not air the programme until it has investigated their "nature and meaning".
Former CNN digital producer Steve Krakauer feels allegations that CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin was seen masturbating during a work Zoom call should be taken “seriously” and laid out a timeline of alleged wrongdoings by his former colleague.  
ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl fired off a snarky tweet directed at vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris on Tuesday night after she held fundraiser with the cast of “The Avengers.” 
Radio host Michael Savage was criticized on social media Monday for comments he made regarding Rush Limbaugh's emotional cancer update.