Since abortion travel is included in company health insurance, independent contractors (which do not usually get any company benefits) would be excluded.
American medical doctors wrote a scorching critique of two famous Dutch studies from the 1990s which were foundational to the development of gender medicine.
Younger United States voters are drifting from both parties and instead registering as independent.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams toured El Paso this weekend, where he surveyed the border crisis for himself and called on the federal government to play a bigger role.

The Next California Disaster

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

If it’s not earthquakes, it’s pandemics. If it’s not droughts, it’s floods. But if there aren’t any natural disasters in California, there’s always the political…
On Monday, classified documents from his time as vice president were found in President Joe Biden's private office at UPenn.
Adam Schiff exemplifies the concept of: 'Play stupid games; win stupid prizes.'
Adam Sessler reveals what took place during the implosion of G4TV, the infamous Frosk rant, his erratic behavior, and his begrudging agreement with concerns over gaming journalism.
Actor and comic Rob Schneider dropped by Fox News to discuss his return to stand-up and to warn about the 'encroachment' of authoritarianism.

Is this the end of Lori Lightfoot?

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

When addressing the media, Lori Lightfoot did what all desperate politicians do when in a bind: she blamed a young staffer for the disaster
The research project, “How Norway Made the World Whiter (NorWhite),” hosted by the University of Bergen, describes “whiteness” as “​​one of today’s key societal and political concerns.”
Tell us you're a Biden shill without telling us you're a Biden shill. Oh, and a dumb one at that.
I support a woman’s right to choose whether or not to cook on a gas stove.
In Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Ernest,” the main character’s search for his true name comes to a head when he finally demands “would you kindly inform me who I am?” In an astonishing fil…
Republican lawmakers across the country are attempting to end academic tenure at public universities in an attempt to prevent the teaching of certain left-wing topics on American college campuses, but conservative professors warn that these initiatives may do more harm than good. Lawmakers in Republican-led…
Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) says the discovery of more classified documents in President Joe Biden's possession from his days as vice president highlights the "hypocrisy" within the federal government.
When Ramesh Ponnuru in 2006 authored a book describing Democrats as “The Party of Death” (the book’s title), it was met with outraged howls from that party’s fellow travelers in the establishment media.
Donald Trump is choosing from among a lineup of loyalists the person who will be his running mate in the 2024 presidential election.
CNN's effort to change is not going well with Acosta.
The U.S. and its allies are laying the groundwork for a potential conflict in the Pacific, a shift characterized by moves to strengthen their militaries and deepen cooperation, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation. Scholars and officials disagree as to whether China or North…
A federal judge sided with the state of Florida regarding the "Stop WOKE Act" that Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law, saying the state did not violate a court order.
Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Sunday on ABC's "This Week" that Congress could not "exclude the possibility" that national security was jeopardized by the handling of President Biden's classified documents. | Clips
Biden's Justice Department announced a new rule yesterday stating that if a firearm with a barrel shorter than 16 inches is fitted with a brace (i.e. an AR- or AK-type pistol) it will soon be considered a short-barreled rifle under the National Firearms Act of 1934. This means that in order to legally possess the firearm in this configuration, it must be registered with the ATF and the owner must pay a tax stamp, just like an SBF. Which sucks bigtime.
Following decades of progressive mismanagement, pretty much all California has left is the tattered myth of a once-great state.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will become a professor at Columbia University focusing on...